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Marie-claire Bouttier
Ferme de Lagier
Francillon Sur Roubion



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €50


04 75 76 00 46


06 99 36 23 59​


Description for B&B:

Experience the tranquility of an organic farm with our comfortable bungalow guest room and cozy caravan-holiday cottage. Perfect for 2 to 4 people, our guest room offers a private entrance and all the comforts you need. Our caravan-holiday cottage can accommodate 2 to 5 people and provides a great alternative for a unique stay.

Located just 1 hour away from Valencia, Romans, Nyons and 45 minutes from Montelimar, our farm is nestled in a lush green area, surrounded by the stunning mountains of the Saou forest. The Drôme region offers a wealth of beauty and heritage to explore.

The guest room is situated on the ground floor of our house, facing south and providing direct access to the pergolas and garden through its glass door. With a spacious total area of approximately 30m2, it features a large room of 23m2 with a comfortable sitting area, a bathroom, and a separate toilet.

The caravan is located in a spacious and private area, enclosed by a beautiful dry-stone wall. With a living area of 14m2, it offers 2 sofa beds and 1 drawer bed, along with a well-equipped dining cuisine for up to 5 people. The separate master bedroom ensures privacy, and the bathroom includes a shower, basin on cedar furniture, and a toilet.

Enjoy the vast outdoor space surrounded by lush vegetation, complete with garden furniture, deck chairs, sun loungers, a hammock seat, and pergolas measuring 3 X 4m for the guest room and a terrace for the caravan. Start your day with a delightful breakfast while admiring the breathtaking view of the majestic Saou forest.

During your stay, you'll have the opportunity to meet our farm animals, including sheep and their adorable lambs, as well as enjoy our large rose garden and aromatic plants. Ulysses and Orpheus, our two friendly donkeys, along with our dogs, cats, rabbits, and butterflies, create a charming and lively atmosphere.

There are plenty of cultural, leisure, and sports activities to explore in the surrounding area, suitable for both adults and children. From swimming pools and river swimming to climbing, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, kayaking, canyoning, and paragliding, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Description for Gite


Appréciations pour Le Panicaut : Gîte et Chambre D'Hôte Sur Ferme Bio, Francillon Sur Roubion:

Séjour d'une semaine en avril 2024
Review by: Houseaux, Avr 28 2024 5:58PM
Très bon séjour, malgré un vent glacial terrible, dans cette chambre d'hôte où nous avons été gâtés, mon mari et moi, par des petits déjeuners excellents, des conseils sur les villages et villes à visiter et les randonnées pédestres très agréables à faire par Marie-Claire, passionnee par sa région. Accueil excellent. Vue panoramique depuis cette ferme bien tranquille. A conseiller vivement!

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Directions to Lyon:
- Take the A7 motorway and exit at Loriol on Drôme (exit 16).
- Follow the signs for Crest (D 104).
- When near Crest, take the D 538 towards Montélimar for 7 km.
- Then, follow the signs for Nyons Bourdeaux and Saoû (still on D 538).

Directions from Marseille:
- Take the A7 motorway and exit at Montelimar south (exit 18).
- Follow the signs for Montelimar center.
- Continue towards Crest Puy-Saint-Martin (D 6).
- After 1 km past Puy-Saint-Martin, turn right towards Saoû (D 136).

Directions from Grenoble:
- Take the A49 highway and exit at Crest - Chabeuil (exit 6).
- Follow the signs for Crest (D 538).
- Bypass Crest and continue on D 538 towards Montelimar for 7 km.
- Then, follow the signs for Nyons Bourdeaux and Saoû (still on D 538).

For all directions:
- Once in Saoû, continue straight and follow the signs for Bourdeaux (D 538) for 4 km.
- Turn right towards Francillon on Roubion (D 197) and bypass the village.
- Take a right towards "La Montagne," then the first left.
- At the stop sign, turn right towards "La Montagne" for about 4 km (D 197).
- Eventually, you will reach an open space where the body farm is located.
- Take a left at the entrance to the farm, following the sign "The Panicaut."



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 70
Holiday Home 1 75 95 445 595 6




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  • Pont d'Arc: Situated in the Ardèche region, the Pont d'Arc is a natural bridge carved out by the Ardèche River. It is a popular spot for kayaking, swimming, and hiking. The surrounding area is also known for its prehistoric cave paintings.
  • Mont Ventoux: A famous mountain in Provence, Mont Ventoux is a magnet for cyclists and hikers. It offers breathtaking views from its summit, which can be reached by car or on foot. The mountain is often referred to as the "Giant of Provence."
  • Palais des Papes: Located in Avignon, the Palais des Papes is a grand medieval palace that served as the residence of the Popes in the 14th century. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and houses impressive Gothic architecture and stunning frescoes.
  • Les Gorges de l'Ardèche: These stunning gorges, located in the Ardèche department, are a popular attraction for nature lovers. Visitors can explore the area by canoe or kayak and marvel at the dramatic limestone cliffs and crystal-clear waters.
  • Vaison-la-Romaine: This charming town is known for its Roman ruins, including an ancient Roman bridge and a well-preserved Roman theater. The town also has a medieval quarter and a bustling weekly market.
  • Nyons: Known as the "Olive Capital," Nyons is a picturesque town famous for its olives and olive oil production. Visitors can explore the olive groves, visit the local market, and learn about the olive oil-making process.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors: A stunning natural park located nearby, the Vercors Regional Park offers breathtaking landscapes, including deep gorges, limestone cliffs, and vast forests. It is a paradise for hikers, climbers, and nature enthusiasts.
  • Musée de la Lavande: Situated in the town of Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, this museum is dedicated to the history and cultivation of lavender. Visitors can learn about the production process, explore lavender fields, and purchase lavender-based products. 10. Pont du Gard: Located near Nîmes, this ancient Roman aqueduct is a UNESCO World Heritage site. The well-preserved structure showcases the engineering prowess of the Romans and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscapes.

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