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Morello Roselyne
Chemin de Rigord


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Price per week:

price from €430






Description for Gite

This charming accommodation is ideal for up to four guests. The kitchen is fully equipped with all the necessary amenities. The living room features a cozy fireplace, TV, video player, stereo, comfortable sofa, and armchairs. There are two bedrooms, one furnished with a spacious 160 x 200 cm bed and the other with two single beds. The house also includes a shower, toilet, and garage for convenience. Outside, a beautiful garden awaits with a barbecue area. And to top it off, there is even a refreshing pool available for guests to enjoy.


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The TGV station in Avignon is located 40 minutes away, while Marseille airport is 1 hour away. You can reach both destinations by taking the A7 motorway.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 4 430 833


Swimming Pool


  • Village of Ménerbes: Located right on Chemin de Rigord, this charming hilltop village offers stunning views of the surrounding Luberon Valley. Explore its narrow streets, historic buildings, and art galleries, and visit the Maison de la Truffe et du Vin to learn about the region's truffles and wines.
  • Château de Ménerbes: Situated within close proximity to Chemin de Rigord, this 16th-century castle is a must-visit attraction. Take a guided tour to discover its fascinating history and architecture, and enjoy panoramic views of the Luberon countryside from its towers.
  • Domaine de la Citadelle: Just a short distance away, this renowned winery offers guided tours and tastings. Explore the vineyards, learn about the winemaking process, and sample their exquisite range of wines, including the famous Luberon rosé.
  • Ochre Trail of Roussillon: Located approximately 10 kilometers from Ménerbes, this unique natural site is a treat for the eyes. Walk along the marked trails, surrounded by vibrant red and golden cliffs, and marvel at the picturesque village of Roussillon tucked amidst the colorful landscape.
  • Village des Bories: Situated about 5 kilometers from Ménerbes, this ancient village showcases traditional dry stone huts called "bories." Explore this open-air museum to learn about the rural heritage of the region and gain insight into the daily lives of its past inhabitants.
  • Abbaye de Sénanque: Located around 13 kilometers from Ménerbes, this Cistercian abbey is renowned for its picturesque setting amidst lavender fields. Visit during the blooming season (June to August) to witness a captivating sight and take a guided tour to explore the abbey's Romanesque architecture and religious history.
  • Village of Gordes: Situated approximately 8 kilometers from Ménerbes, this stunning hilltop village is one of the most beautiful in France. Admire its charming stone houses, ancient castle, and breathtaking views of the Luberon Valley. Don't miss the Village des Bories nearby, which offers a glimpse into traditional rural life.
  • Pont Julien: Located about 11 kilometers from Ménerbes, this well-preserved Roman bridge is an impressive historical site. Take a walk across the bridge, built in the 1st century BC, and admire its elegant arches spanning the Calavon River. These attractions near Chemin de Rigord offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historic villages, castles, and abbeys to enjoying the natural beauty of the Luberon Valley and sampling local wines.