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Contact Details:


Annie Pennarun
1 Kersalous


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

- Saumur embodies the essence of equestrian art
- Eclipse, the majestic warm blood stallion
- Merlin and its intriguing enigmas
- Lord Lyon and its rustic charm
- "Yellow" and its enigmatic allure (accessible for individuals with reduced mobility)
Each room is furnished with a spacious 180 x 200 bed (or can be arranged as two 90 x 200 beds upon request), accompanied by a private shower room with a shower and toilet facilities.


Appréciations pour Chambres d'Hôtes de Kersalou, Guern:

domaine de kersalous
Review by: Michaud, Aou 8 2014 6:34PM
chaleureuse réception, chambres agréables décorées avec goût, petits déjeuners copieux et présentation soignée, prix très raisonnable une seule envie, y revenir

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To reach the guest houses at the "relais équestre de Kersalou," follow these travel directions from Pontivy:
1. Head towards Quimperlé / Sourn.
2. After driving for 10 km, turn onto D2bis and continue for 2 km until you reach the crossing of Quelven / Malguénac.
3. Keep going in the direction of Guern for 600 meters.
4. The guest houses will be on your left, indicated by the sign for "relais équestre de Kersalou."



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 55 55 18 oui


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Guern: Located in the village of Guern, this medieval castle dates back to the 14th century and offers visitors a fascinating glimpse into the region's history. Explore the well-preserved fortifications, towers, and courtyards, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Abbaye de Bon-Repos: Situated near Kersalous, this former Cistercian abbey is now a popular cultural center. Visitors can explore the ruins of the abbey, attend various events such as concerts and art exhibitions, and enjoy the beautiful gardens and surrounding woodland.
  • Lac de Guerlédan: Just a short distance from Kersalous, this stunning man-made lake is a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Enjoy activities such as boating, fishing, hiking, or simply relax on one of the sandy beaches. The lake is also home to the Nantes-Brest Canal, offering scenic boat trips.
  • Josselin Castle: Located in the town of Josselin, this magnificent medieval castle is a must-visit attraction. Admire its impressive architecture, explore the beautifully furnished interior, and stroll through the picturesque gardens. Don't miss the opportunity to witness the traditional Breton festivals held here.
  • Les Forges des Salles: This open-air museum showcases the industrial heritage of the region. Learn about the ironworking industry through interactive exhibits, demonstrations, and guided tours. Visitors can also enjoy scenic walks along the river and through the surrounding forest.
  • Rochefort-en-Terre: A charming village that has been awarded the prestigious title of "Petite Cité de Caractère" (Small Town of Character). Stroll through its medieval streets, admire the colorful half-timbered houses, and visit the various art galleries, craft shops, and restaurants. The village also hosts regular events and festivals.
  • La Gacilly: Known for its annual photography festival, this small town is also famous for its beautiful floral displays and botanical gardens. Explore the charming streets lined with flower-filled baskets, visit the Yves Rocher Botanical Garden, and discover the town's artistic heritage.
  • Vannes: A historic city located on the Gulf of Morbihan, Vannes offers a rich blend of medieval architecture, charming streets, and vibrant markets. Visit the well-preserved old town, stroll along the ramparts, and explore the impressive Vannes Cathedral. The city also boasts a lively marina and a variety of shops and restaurants.
  • Carnac: Famous for its ancient megalithic sites, Carnac is a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts. Explore the rows of standing stones, visit the interactive museum to learn about their significance, and enjoy the beautiful sandy beaches nearby. 10. Gulf of Morbihan: A stunning natural site, the Gulf of Morbihan is a paradise for sailing, boat trips, and birdwatching. Explore the numerous islands and islets, such as Île aux Moines and Île d'Arz, where you can discover charming villages, beautiful beaches, and scenic walking trails.

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