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Roland Mathat
La Borde


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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

Pilar and Roland have beautifully furnished four rooms in a charming building, offering a combination of two single bedrooms and two spacious family rooms with mezzanines. Each room is equipped with its own private bathroom and has been awarded a 3-ear rating by Gîtes de France. Additionally, guests can enjoy a unique camping experience on the farm and explore the various activities offered through farm discovery.


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To reach Ferme de la Borde, first head towards Rignac. From there, continue on the D53 road in the direction of Bournazel. Look for Ferme de la Borde on your left, just 50 meters before reaching the Bournazel signs.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 60 420 15
(3 pers.)
1 60 420 15




  • Château de Bournazel: Located in the village of Bournazel, this stunning Renaissance castle is a major tourist attraction. The castle features beautiful gardens, impressive architecture, and hosts various cultural events throughout the year.
  • Musée Fenaille: Situated in nearby Rodez, Musée Fenaille is a museum dedicated to prehistoric art in the region. It houses an extensive collection of statues, engravings, and tools from the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods.
  • Conques: A picturesque medieval village, Conques is renowned for its stunning Romanesque abbey, Sainte-Foy. The village, nestled in a valley, offers charming cobblestone streets, traditional houses, and breathtaking views.
  • Millau Viaduct: Just a short drive away, the Millau Viaduct is one of the tallest cable-stayed bridges in the world. Spanning the Tarn River, it offers spectacular views of the surrounding countryside and is an engineering marvel.
  • Micropolis-City of Insects: Located in Saint-Léons, Micropolis is an interactive museum dedicated to insects. Visitors can learn about the fascinating world of insects through exhibits, live displays, and educational activities.
  • Gorges du Tarn: This natural wonder is a must-visit for outdoor enthusiasts. The Tarn River has carved deep gorges through the limestone plateaus, creating a breathtaking landscape ideal for hiking, canoeing, and rock climbing.
  • Roquefort-sur-Soulzon: Known as the birthplace of Roquefort cheese, this village is worth a visit for cheese lovers. Explore the famous caves where the cheese ages and learn about the traditional production methods.
  • Cathedral of Rodez: Situated in the town of Rodez, the Cathedral of Rodez is a magnificent Gothic cathedral. Its impressive architecture and intricate stained glass windows make it a significant religious and historical site.
  • Laguiole: Famous for its traditional Laguiole knives, this charming village offers a glimpse into the region's artisanal craftsmanship. Visit local knife shops, explore the picturesque streets, and enjoy the local cuisine. 10. Soulages Museum: Located in Rodez, the Soulages Museum is dedicated to the works of renowned French painter Pierre Soulages. The museum showcases a vast collection of his abstract paintings, sculptures, and graphic works. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near La Borde, Bournazel, offering a diverse range of cultural, historical, and natural experiences for visitors to enjoy.

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