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Corinne Crouzillard
lieu dit : la haute poignandière
Saint Germain de la Coudre


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Price per night:

price from €85






Description for B&B:

There are three guest rooms available, each with its own unique atmosphere. The first room, called "Charm," is designed for two guests and features a double bed measuring 160x200. The second room, named "Retro," also accommodates two guests and is furnished with a larger bed measuring 180x200. Finally, the third room, known as "Gluttony," can accommodate either two adults or a family of four. It consists of a double bed measuring 160x200 and two single beds measuring 90x190. All of the rooms include a private bathroom with either a bath or shower, a separate toilet, and a comfortable seating area. Guests may also dine in the open dining room, where breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served. Additionally, a television can be provided upon request.


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To reach Paris, take the A11 motorway and then exit at La Ferte Bernard. From there, follow the signs towards Bellême. After passing through the village of Saint Germain of the Sew, turn left onto the first road you come across. The guest house, called High Poignandière, is located at the end of this road, approximately 700 meters away.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: including a family of 2 adults and 2 children


Swimming Pool


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  • Le Pin National Stud Farm: A prestigious equestrian center, Le Pin National Stud Farm is dedicated to breeding and preserving French horses. Take a guided tour to learn about the history of horse breeding in France and witness impressive equestrian performances.
  • Alençon: Located approximately 30 kilometers from Saint Germain de la Coudre, Alençon is a charming town famous for its delicate lace production. Visit the Museum of Fine Arts and Lace to discover the intricate craftsmanship behind this traditional art form.
  • Saint-Céneri-le-Gérei: Nestled in a tranquil valley along the Sarthe River, this picturesque village is often referred to as one of the most beautiful in France. Stroll through its narrow streets, visit the Romanesque church, and enjoy the serene ambiance of the surrounding countryside.
  • Bagnoles-de-l'Orne: Known for its thermal baths and Belle Époque architecture, Bagnoles-de-l'Orne is a popular spa town. Relax in the thermal baths, explore the town's charming streets, or try your luck at the nearby casino.
  • The Manor of Courboyer: Situated in the heart of the Perche Regional Nature Park, the Manor of Courboyer is a beautifully restored 15th-century estate. Immerse yourself in the region's rural heritage through exhibitions, workshops, and guided tours.
  • Chartres Cathedral: Although a bit further away (about 80 kilometers), Chartres Cathedral is well worth a visit. This UNESCO World Heritage site is renowned for its stunning Gothic architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and ancient labyrinth.
  • Le Haras du Pin: Known as the "Versailles of Horses," Le Haras du Pin is a prestigious equestrian center and stud farm. Explore its grand estate, attend equestrian shows, or admire the magnificent horses that call this place home. 10. Sées Cathedral: Located in the town of Sées, this beautiful cathedral showcases Gothic and Romanesque architectural styles. Admire its impressive stained glass windows, ornate sculptures, and towering spires. These attractions offer a variety of experiences, from exploring historical castles and charming villages to immersing yourself in the natural beauty and equestrian heritage of the region.

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