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Nico Boots
Frazione Spagna 9
Montecalvo Versiggia (PV)


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Price per night:

price from €70




Description for B&B:

Experience the enchantment of staying amidst the picturesque vineyards at Villa "I Due Padroni". Located in the captivating region of Oltrepò Pavese, known as the "Tuscany of Lombardia", this splendid vacation apartment offers a perfect retreat for those seeking a tranquil getaway.

Situated on the first floor of the villa, the spacious apartment boasts a private sun-terrace with a breathtaking panoramic view of the valley. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the surrounding landscape with a leisurely stroll through the expansive garden or take a refreshing dip in the inviting swimming pool.

Nature enthusiasts will delight in the abundance of hiking and cycling trails available in and around the villa. From here, embark on exciting one-day excursions to historic cities, charming lakes, and even the Mediterranean coast.

Indulge your senses in the gastronomic delights of the region, renowned for its sparkling wines and other culinary treasures. Throughout your stay, the warm hospitality of the two "Padroni" will ensure that every moment is filled with joy and comfort.

Escape the crowds and discover the hidden gem that is the Oltrepò Pavese. This unspoiled region, free from the hustle and bustle of tourism, promises an authentic Italian experience like no other. Prepare to be captivated by the charm and allure of Italy unplugged.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 70 95 490 665 70
Apartment 1 595 975


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed