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Maison D'hote Tifaoute
Vilage Asfalou A 3 Km D'ait Ben Haddou Et A 33 Km Du Ouarzazate Maroc
Ait Ben Haddou


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Price per night:

price from €26


+212 666646692


+212 666646692

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Description for B&B:

Located in Morocco, this house and breakfast accommodation is situated just 3 km away from the charming village of Asfalou Aït Ben Haddou and is conveniently located 33 km from Ouarzazate. With its close proximity to the desert, the tifaoute inn restaurant Kasbah homestay offers four fully equipped rooms, each featuring a private bathroom, toilet, and air conditioning. Additionally, we provide guided tours to the mesmerizing Great South of Morocco, allowing you to explore the enchanting valleys of Dades and the Draa, as well as the Valley of Roses Kasbah. Don't miss the opportunity to experience the warm hospitality of inn tifaoute Douar Asfalou Ait Ben Haddou - Amerzgane.

Description for Gite

Our guesthouse is located at the entrance of the small village of Assfalou, just 3 km from Aït Ben Haddou, the most fabulous Kasbah in the Moroccan South, classified as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. Built with Pisé, the traditional material of the Grand South region of Morocco, it is adorned with a blend of earth and straw, wrought iron, carved wood, Berber rugs, paintings, and objects made by local Berber artisans. Our 5 rooms can accommodate 1 to 4 people, each equipped with private bathroom and toilet, air conditioning or ventilation, and a Berber hammam. Tifaoute offers lounges, terraces, a garden, private parking, and free internet connection via modem. The restaurant serves regional dishes, allowing guests to discover the wonderful Moroccan cuisine. During your vacation in Morocco, you can enjoy numerous adventurous activities and visit magnificent tourist sites, including 4x4 excursions and the Ksar Ait Ben Haddou, a collection of clay buildings with fortified towers.


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Our Bed and Breakfast, Notre Maison dhôtes, is located at the entrance of the small village of Assfalou, just 3 km away from Aït Ben Haddou. This magnificent Kasbah is considered the most fabulous in southern Morocco and has been classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Built with Pisé, the traditional material of the region, it showcases a unique blend of earth mixed with straw, wrought iron, carved wood, Berber carpets, paintings, and objects handcrafted by local Berber artisans.

We offer 5 rooms that can accommodate 1 to 4 people. Each room is equipped with a private bathroom and toilet, air conditioning or ventilation, and a Berber hammam. Tifaoute also provides lounges, terraces, a garden, private parking, and free internet access via modem. Our restaurant serves regional dishes, allowing guests to indulge in the wonderful Moroccan cuisine.

During your vacation in Morocco, you can enjoy numerous adventure activities and visit splendid tourist sites, including 4x4 excursions and exploration of the Ksar Ait Ben Haddou. This collection of clay buildings features fortified walls supported by corner towers.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 26 26 100 100 1 2
(3 pers.)
32 32 32 100 100 1 3
Holiday Home 26 026 26 26 26 26 26


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed