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Christian Foenard
537 route de Bel Air
Saint Lager


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Price per night:

price from €85






Description for B&B:

Welcome to our Brouilly wine house, located only 100 meters away from the greenway. Nestled in the heart of the vineyards, we are currently restoring this charming house to its former glory. Stepping inside, you will be transported back to a time before the 1950s when mixed farming was a common practice. The spacious porch once served as a passage for cows to reach the children's room, complete with a manger and old roller beds.

As you explore further, you will discover the parents' room adorned with walls covered in old doors, offering breathtaking views of the vineyards that stretch across the Beaujolais region. From here, you can admire the magnificent "Notre Dame de Brouilly" and the majestic castle of Pizay.

Immerse yourself in the world of wine as you take in the 180-degree panorama of the vineyards, with all the renowned wines at your fingertips. Savor a glass of Brouilly, or venture further with other esteemed ratings such as Morgon, Regnier, Saint Amour, Chenas, Fleurie, Windmill, and Julien. To start your day, enjoy a delightful breakfast under the shade of an arbor in the garden or in the charming vault of the house's owner. If you wish, you can even embark on a cellar tour to experience the company of friends and indulge in the exquisite Côtes de Brouilly Brouilly (with a sober driver, of course!).

Description for Gite

If you choose to rent this self-catering cottage, you will have the luxury of 15 comfortable beds.


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Our house is situated in the center of Beaujolais, a mere 40-minute TGV ride away from Lyon. From here, you can conveniently access the major cities of France.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 85 20 oui
(3 pers.)
1 108 20 oui
Apartment 1 130 20 oui
Holiday Home 1 550 non


Animals Allowed


  • Hameau Duboeuf: Located in Romanèche-Thorins, approximately 7 km from Saint Lager, Hameau Duboeuf is a wine-themed amusement park. It features a wine museum, vineyard tours, wine tasting sessions, and a train ride through the vineyards. Visitors can learn about the rich wine-making heritage of the Beaujolais region.
  • Château de Corcelles: Situated in Corcelles-en-Beaujolais, about 9 km from Saint Lager, the Château de Corcelles is a stunning castle surrounded by vineyards. It offers guided tours where visitors can explore the castle's architecture, visit the wine cellar, and taste a variety of wines produced on-site.
  • Abbaye de Cluny: Located in Cluny, approximately 23 km from Saint Lager, the Abbaye de Cluny is a medieval abbey considered one of the largest in the world during its peak. Visitors can explore the ruins of the abbey, including the church, cloister, and various other buildings, while learning about its historical significance.
  • Touroparc Zoo: Situated in Romanèche-Thorins, just 7 km from Saint Lager, Touroparc Zoo is a family-friendly attraction housing over 140 species of animals. The zoo offers a combination of wildlife exhibits, educational presentations, and interactive experiences, making it an enjoyable destination for both children and adults.
  • TouroParc Aventure: Located within Touroparc Zoo in Romanèche-Thorins, TouroParc Aventure is an adventure park that offers thrilling activities such as zip-lining, tree climbing, and obstacle courses. It provides a unique opportunity to experience an adrenaline rush while surrounded by the natural beauty of the park.
  • Château de Pierreclos: Situated in Pierreclos, approximately 20 km from Saint Lager, the Château de Pierreclos is a well-preserved medieval castle. Visitors can take guided tours of the castle's interior, including its impressive rooms, chapel, and medieval cellar. The castle also offers wine tastings where visitors can sample the estate's own wines.
  • Musée de la Préhistoire de Solutré: Located in Solutré-Pouilly, about 19 km from Saint Lager, the Musée de la Préhistoire de Solutré is a museum dedicated to prehistoric times. It showcases a vast collection of artifacts, including tools, weapons, and animal fossils found in the nearby Solutré rock shelter, providing insights into the lives of early humans.
  • Roche de Solutré: Situated near Solutré-Pouilly, approximately 20 km from Saint Lager, the Roche de Solutré is a limestone escarpment that offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. It is a popular spot for hiking and nature walks, and it holds archaeological importance as it was once a site where hunters would drive herds of animals off the cliff for food. These attractions offer a variety of experiences ranging from historical and cultural visits to wine tastings, adventure activities, and natural beauty, providing something for every type of tourist near Saint Lager, France.

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