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price from €170


Description for B&B:

Experience tranquility and serenity at Le Temps des Coquelicots! Nestled within a charming old chalk quarry, surrounded by 10 acres of breathtaking nature, this haven offers a peaceful escape for couples seeking a romantic retreat. Once a stable, this renovated open-spaced loft is now dedicated to well-being. Relax in a spacious loft featuring a luxurious double bed (160/200), an invigorating infrared sauna cabin, and a lavish bathtub for two. The bathtub is equipped with 12 nano air injectors, creating a champagne-like bubble effect for optimal relaxation. Immerse yourself in the ambiance with Philips Luxeon chromotherapy, while enjoying soothing musicotherapy via Bluetooth. Adjacent to the bathtub, you'll find a delightful Italian walk-in shower, ensuring a refreshing experience. The separate WC adds convenience and privacy. The décor exudes simplicity and originality, with charming old oak beams and three skylights that fill the space with natural light. The white walls and honey-colored wooden floors create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The serene ambiance is enhanced by touches of gold, red, and violet. Indulge in a delightful breakfast for two on the ground floor, completing your perfect stay.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 170 180


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