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Ben Limond
105 Chemin de Bois Vieux de Bernoye
Albefeuille Lagarde


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €472




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Description for B&B:

Situated in Albefeuille Lagarde, our delightful home offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. This magnificent Beaux-Arts Chateau, built in 1912 in the Arts & Crafts style, was originally intended as a symbol of love for a prominent Dutch diplomat and his French wife. Constructed with the finest materials from the region, Chateau Mezger is nestled within 5 acres of lush parkland and gardens, boasting a generously-sized ecological swimming pool supplied by a natural spring.

Our prime location in the enchanting Midi-Pyrenees region makes us the perfect choice for those eager to explore. Whether you are an avid cyclist, a lover of water sports, a sightseer, a gastronomy enthusiast, or simply seeking a tranquil retreat, our surroundings offer an abundance of activities and attractions to suit your preferences.

At Chateau Mezger, we strive to cater to the unique needs of all our guests. Let us know your desires for activities, sights, or culinary delights, and we will be more than happy to personalize your stay based on our extensive knowledge of the area.

Designed with the discerning guest in mind, we provide a luxurious chambre d'hôte experience, offering spacious en-suite bedrooms. Our exceptional food and hosting showcase the finest produce from this gastronomically rich region, with a preference for homegrown ingredients whenever possible. From our honesty bar to the inviting atmosphere that caters to individuals who appreciate life's little luxuries, we aim to provide a memorable experience during your time with us. To guarantee a truly serene stay, we regretfully cannot accommodate guests under the age of 16 or any pets.


Appréciations pour Chateau Mezger, Albefeuille Lagarde:

Review by: laurent dejean, Sep 23 2017 9:37AM
beau château
deco vintage
accueil tres agréable

view more »

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 472 472 600 650


Swimming Pool


  • Montauban: Located approximately 10 kilometers from Albefeuille Lagarde, Montauban is a historic town known for its stunning architecture and rich cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the picturesque old town, admire the impressive Montauban Cathedral, and visit the Ingres Museum, which houses a collection of artworks by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.
  • Château de Bruniquel: Situated around 30 kilometers east of Albefeuille Lagarde, the Château de Bruniquel is a medieval fortress perched on a hilltop overlooking the Aveyron River. This well-preserved castle offers breathtaking panoramic views and allows visitors to delve into the past while exploring its ancient walls and impressive towers.
  • Moissac Abbey: Located just 15 kilometers southwest of Albefeuille Lagarde, Moissac Abbey is a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for its stunning Romanesque architecture. Highlights include the Abbey Church of Saint-Pierre, with its intricate sculptures and beautiful cloister adorned with ornate capitals.
  • Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val: Approximately 40 kilometers northeast of Albefeuille Lagarde, Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val is a charming medieval village nestled in the scenic Aveyron Gorges. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets lined with half-timbered houses, visit the market square, and explore the nearby caves of Baudinard.
  • Auvillar: Situated about 25 kilometers northwest of Albefeuille Lagarde, Auvillar is a picturesque village perched on a hilltop overlooking the Garonne River. Known for its circular market square and quaint streets, Auvillar offers visitors a chance to admire its well-preserved medieval architecture and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • La Ferme de Cinquante: Located just a short distance from Albefeuille Lagarde, La Ferme de Cinquante is a farm where visitors can interact with various animals, including cows, pigs, goats, and rabbits. This family-friendly attraction offers educational tours and activities, making it a perfect destination for children and animal lovers.
  • Canal de Montech: Situated approximately 20 kilometers north of Albefeuille Lagarde, the Canal de Montech is a beautiful waterway famous for its unique system of inclined planes. Visitors can watch as boats are lifted or lowered using these impressive structures, or even take a boat trip along the canal to experience the engineering marvel firsthand.
  • Château de Brassac: Located around 50 kilometers southeast of Albefeuille Lagarde, the Château de Brassac is a magnificent 13th-century castle surrounded by lush greenery. Visitors can explore its grand halls, admire the stunning views from its towers, and wander through the beautiful gardens that surround the castle. These tourist attractions near Albefeuille Lagarde offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historic towns and castles to enjoying the natural beauty of the region.

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