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Madi Michel
10 Rue du Porche
Rochefort en Terre


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Price per night:

price from €558






Description for B&B:

Rochefort en Terre is a village that seems untouched by the passage of time, standing still for almost six centuries. It was founded in 1498 by Jean Rochefort sire Rieux, and its charming streets are paved with cobblestones, lined with timbered and granite houses, and crowned by La Tour du Lion.

Step into this house from the mid-16th century and transport yourself back to a time long gone. Its first owner was likely a high-ranking official, such as a steward, administrator, or member of the nobility.

Even in 2009, the atmosphere of 500 years ago lingers within these walls. The house offers five bedrooms, each with its own unique character and charm. There are also five bathrooms, a patio, and a garden that provides a stunning view of the surrounding sandstone and slate landscape.

During your stay, you will experience a timeless moment, where the past and present seamlessly merge.

The Napoleon Room is adorned with Empire-style decorations, featuring intricate woodwork, gilding, and elegant curtains. It is a haven for lovers of the old guard and the symbols of the Emperor, with room rates starting at 130 EURO.

For those who prefer a touch of romance, the Marie Antoinette Room awaits. With its stone walls, exposed beams, and delicate pink "toiles de Jouy" fabrics, you will feel like sleeping in the Queen's own bed. The bathroom is a small gem of beauty.

The Francois First Room offers a double bed, a private bathroom with a shower, and unique historical touches. The scalloped headboard, yellow parchment signed by the King, and century-old parquet flooring in the tower will transport you to the time when King François I passed through Rochefort and may have slept beneath your window.

In the Moulin Rouge Room, you will find the magic of Paris captured in drawings, tables, and vibrant colors. This charming space includes two single beds and a bathroom with a bathtub. From the bathroom, you can enjoy a view of the terrace and garden, allowing you to relax in the tub while admiring the blooming flowers.

Lastly, the Anne of Brittany Room features a double bed, a private bathroom with a shower, and a captivating ambiance. Immerse yourself in the history of the Duchess of Brittany, the only woman to become queen of France twice, under Charles VIII and Louis XII. The room boasts a four-poster bed, a fireplace, Aubusson tapestries, and a touch of ermine.


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Located in close proximity to Vannes, approximately 100 km away from both Nantes and Rennes, and conveniently situated near the Golf du Morbihan.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 558 558 oui


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  • Château de Rochefort-en-Terre: Located in the heart of the village, this medieval castle offers a fascinating glimpse into the history of the region. Explore its well-preserved architecture, beautiful gardens, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Naia Museum: A unique and enchanting museum dedicated to contemporary and fantastic art. Discover a world of imagination through the intricate sculptures and paintings displayed here, showcasing the works of renowned artists.
  • La Gacilly: A charming village known for its stunning floral displays and the annual photography festival held here. Take a leisurely stroll along the flower-lined streets, visit local shops, or explore the nearby botanical gardens.
  • Branféré Animal Park: A family-friendly attraction that combines a wildlife park, botanical garden, and educational center. Get up close to various animal species, enjoy the beautiful surroundings, and learn about conservation efforts.
  • Josselin Castle: Situated in the town of Josselin, this impressive medieval castle is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. Explore its grand halls, towers, and landscaped gardens, and learn about the legends and stories associated with the castle.
  • Marais de Redon: A natural wetland area perfect for nature lovers and birdwatching enthusiasts. Take a leisurely walk or bike ride along the trails, spot various bird species, and enjoy the tranquility of this picturesque marshland.
  • Vannes: A historic city with a well-preserved medieval center. Walk along the cobblestone streets, admire the half-timbered houses, and explore the Saint-Pierre Cathedral. Don't miss the stunning views from the ramparts overlooking the Gulf of Morbihan.
  • Carnac Megaliths: A mysterious site consisting of thousands of prehistoric standing stones arranged in rows. Marvel at the ancient stone alignments and visit the nearby museum to learn about the history and significance of these megalithic structures.
  • Gulf of Morbihan: A stunning coastal area dotted with numerous islands and picturesque villages. Embark on a boat tour to explore the gulf, enjoy the scenic views, and discover charming fishing ports such as Port-Navalo and Locmariaquer. 10. La Roche-Bernard: A charming riverside town offering a blend of history and natural beauty. Wander through its narrow streets, visit the medieval tower, and enjoy the panoramic views of the Vilaine River. Don't forget to try some delicious local cuisine at one of the waterfront restaurants.