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Guenola Pasquet
8 Tertre De La Gare


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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

The guest bedroom is located on the top floor of our house, providing a quiet and comfortable space. It is furnished with a small desk in front of a south-facing window, and there are spacious drawers underneath for convenient storage. Please note that the staircase leading to the guest bedroom is an old attic stairs, and the steps can be quite steep.

For breakfast, you can enjoy the dining room which offers a lovely view of the garden through an English-style bay window. Additionally, we have an orchard with 25 different fruit trees, perfect for making delicious jams. Despite our peaceful location on a dead-end street, restaurants are within a 5 to 10-minute walk from the house. Nearby attractions include the Museum of Manuscripts of Mont Saint Michel, the Museum of Art and History of Avranches, and the Treasury of Saint Gervais. We also have a store/shop on the premises.

Hospitality is a joy for us, and we take pride in the vibrant and carefully decorated atmosphere of our home. We love sharing our space with guests and look forward to welcoming you soon.


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(2 pers.)
1 65




  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located about 20 kilometers from Avranches, Mont Saint-Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of France's most iconic landmarks. This stunning medieval abbey sits atop a rocky island and is surrounded by mesmerizing tidal waters.
  • Jardin des Plantes d'Avranches: Situated near the center of Avranches, Jardin des Plantes is a beautiful botanical garden. It offers a peaceful atmosphere, lush greenery, and a variety of plant species to explore.
  • Scriptorial d'Avranches: This museum in Avranches is dedicated to the history of writing and books. It showcases an impressive collection of ancient manuscripts, including the original manuscripts of Mont Saint-Michel.
  • Château de Fougères: Located approximately 40 kilometers from Avranches, Château de Fougères is one of the largest medieval fortresses in Europe. Visitors can explore its well-preserved towers, courtyards, and gardens while immersing themselves in the history of the region.
  • Abbaye de la Lucerne: Situated around 10 kilometers from Avranches, Abbaye de la Lucerne is a picturesque abbey with beautiful gardens. The site offers guided tours that provide insights into its rich history and architectural significance.
  • Musée Christian Dior: Located in Granville, about 25 kilometers from Avranches, this museum is dedicated to the life and work of the renowned fashion designer, Christian Dior. Visitors can explore his childhood home and enjoy exhibits showcasing his iconic designs.
  • Chausey Islands: A short boat ride from Granville, the Chausey Islands are a group of small islands known for their natural beauty and stunning sandy beaches. Visitors can enjoy activities such as swimming, hiking, and exploring the charming fishing village.
  • Avranches Cathedral: The Cathedral of Saint-André in Avranches is worth a visit. This Romanesque-style cathedral dates back to the 11th century and boasts beautiful stained glass windows and intricate architecture.
  • Pointe du Grouin du Sud: Located near Genêts, approximately 15 kilometers from Avranches, Pointe du Grouin du Sud offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding coastline and the iconic Mont Saint-Michel. 10. Château de Gratot: Situated around 35 kilometers from Avranches, the Château de Gratot is a medieval castle with a rich history. Visitors can explore its towers, drawbridge, and gardens while learning about the castle's intriguing past. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical sites and museums to natural landscapes and architectural wonders, ensuring a memorable visit to the region near Avranches.

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