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Nouchka Bautista
la prade haute


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

This is a lovely bedroom featuring a spacious 160cmX200cm bed, with the option of an additional bed if needed. The WC and bathroom are conveniently separate for added convenience and privacy.


Appréciations pour l'écrin, Combret:

Review by: nathalie chifflet, Sep 21 2010 9:12AM
Une belle campagne tranquille et un accueil prévenant, une cuisine fine et pleine de saveurs, avec des herbes aromatiques comme on le aime; voilà un endroit où l'on se sent bien. Bravo à Nouchka et Jean-Noël!
Review by: Martin-Jarrand, Aou 21 2010 9:17AM
Magnifique accueil, avec une chaleur que l'on ne connaît plus. La cuisine de Nouchka est géniale et sa créativité, ainsi que celle de Jean-Noël, sans pareil. Le plus: l'écoute! C'est un endroit où on se sent écouté, ce qui manque par les temps qui courent.
Merci pour votre accueil!
Review by: Corinne BOUHIER-CLERC, Aou 18 2010 3:52PM
L'accueil est trés chaleureux et se fait par Nouchka et Noël. Ils sont soucieux de leurs hôtes. Nous retiendrons de notre séjour la trés bonne cuisine de Nouchka et le gâteau au chocolat de Noël ! Petit déjeuner et repas sont l'occasion de partager de bons moments d'échange.
Review by: Derek et David, Mai 31 2010 6:43PM
Accueil tres sympa et une tres bonne cuisine. Nouchka a fait tout pour que notre séjour soit agréable. Un bon endroit pour les amateurs de la campagne aveyronnaise!

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From St Affrique, head towards Albi for approximately 17 km. Once you reach the area of management rougiers Lacaune, Belmont sur Rance, take a left turn. After a few hundred meters, turn right towards Combret. In Combret, cross the bridge on the insurance and then turn left. Follow the road towards the Bories and keep going past the junction of Bral. Then, continue straight and take a right turn towards La Prade Pradesn. Continue on this road until you reach the end, which will be on your left.





  • Conques: Located approximately 10 kilometers away from La Prade Haute, Conques is a picturesque village known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. The highlight of the village is the Abbey Church of Saint Foy, a UNESCO World Heritage site, which features intricate Romanesque sculptures and stunning stained glass windows.
  • Villefranche-de-Rouergue: Situated about 30 kilometers from La Prade Haute, Villefranche-de-Rouergue is a charming town with a rich history. The central square, Place Notre-Dame, is lined with beautiful medieval buildings and hosts a lively weekly market. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Collegiate Church, and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of this traditional Aveyron town.
  • Belcastel: Located around 40 kilometers away from La Prade Haute, Belcastel is a fairy-tale village nestled in the Aveyron Gorges. The highlight of Belcastel is its medieval castle, perched high above the village. Explore the cobbled streets, admire the picturesque stone houses, and enjoy the breathtaking views of the Aveyron River.
  • Najac: Situated approximately 45 kilometers from La Prade Haute, Najac is a beautiful medieval village known for its hilltop fortress. The village is dominated by the 13th-century Royal Fortress of Najac, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Stroll through the charming streets, visit the Church of Saint-Jean, and experience the historical ambiance of Najac.
  • Rodez: Located about 50 kilometers away from La Prade Haute, Rodez is the capital city of the Aveyron department. The city is home to the stunning Rodez Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Explore the historic center, visit the Fenaille Museum to see the famous 2,000-year-old Menhir Statues, and enjoy the vibrant cultural scene in Rodez.
  • Millau Viaduct: Situated approximately 60 kilometers from La Prade Haute, the Millau Viaduct is an engineering marvel and a must-see attraction. This cable-stayed bridge spans the Tarn River and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Visit the Millau Viaduct Visitor Center to learn about its construction and enjoy the panoramic viewpoints.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes: Located about 70 kilometers away from La Prade Haute, Micropolis is an insect-themed park and museum. Discover the fascinating world of insects through interactive exhibits, live displays, and a beautiful outdoor garden. Learn about the importance of insects in our ecosystem and enjoy a unique experience for nature enthusiasts. These attractions offer a range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences near La Prade Haute, providing visitors with a diverse array of options to explore and enjoy.