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gibert Daniele none
Le clos du Salt 1
Ste Eulalie d'Olt


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price from €330




Description for B&B:

This recently constructed traditional cottage offers all the modern amenities you need for a comfortable stay. Situated just 10 minutes away from the center of Ste Eulalie and shopping, it provides convenience and accessibility. The rooms are tastefully decorated and clean, while the terrace offers a stunning view of the valley. Perfectly positioned for a peaceful and delightful vacation experience!

Description for Gite

Come and experience the welcoming ambiance crafted by Danielle and Peter at their charming getaway in the enchanting North Aveyron. The Clos du Salt is the perfect destination for those yearning for serenity, offering comfortable accommodations for two couples. Don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to unwind and recharge in this idyllic setting.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 150




  • Sainte Eulalie d'Olt Village: Located just a short walk from Le clos du Salt, Sainte Eulalie d'Olt is a picturesque medieval village known for its well-preserved architecture and charming streets. Explore the narrow alleyways, admire the stone houses, and visit the Romanesque church in the heart of the village.
  • Lot Valley: Situated along the Lot River, the Lot Valley offers breathtaking natural beauty and is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts. Enjoy activities such as hiking, biking, and canoeing while taking in the stunning landscapes, rolling hills, and vineyards that dot the region.
  • Espalion: Approximately 20 kilometers from Le clos du Salt, Espalion is a historic town with a rich heritage. Visit the stunning medieval bridge, Pont Vieux, which spans the Lot River and explore the charming old town with its half-timbered houses and narrow streets. Don't miss the chance to visit the Musée des Arts et Traditions de la Haute Vallée de l'Aveyron, a museum showcasing local history and traditions.
  • Conques: About 30 kilometers away, Conques is a must-visit medieval village renowned for its UNESCO-listed Abbey Church of Saint Foy. Marvel at the intricate Romanesque architecture, stroll along the cobblestone streets, and soak up the peaceful ambiance of this pilgrimage site.
  • Micropolis - La Cité des Insectes: Situated in Saint-Léons, roughly 40 kilometers from Le clos du Salt, Micropolis is an educational and interactive museum dedicated to insects. Discover the fascinating world of insects through exhibits, live presentations, and a unique insect-themed park.
  • Millau Viaduct: Located approximately 50 kilometers away, the Millau Viaduct is an engineering marvel and one of the tallest bridges in the world. Admire the stunning architecture, enjoy panoramic views of the Tarn Valley, and learn about the construction of this impressive structure at the visitor center.
  • Rodez: About 50 kilometers from Le clos du Salt, Rodez is the capital of the Aveyron department. Explore the beautiful historic center, visit the Gothic-style Rodez Cathedral, and discover the Musée Soulages, dedicated to the works of renowned artist Pierre Soulages.
  • Gorges du Tarn: Situated about 70 kilometers away, the Gorges du Tarn is a breathtaking natural wonder. Marvel at the deep canyons, crystal-clear waters, and towering cliffs as you drive or hike along the scenic roads. Enjoy water activities like kayaking or simply relax and take in the stunning views.
  • Laguiole: Located approximately 80 kilometers from Le clos du Salt, Laguiole is a charming village famous for its traditional handmade knives. Visit the Forge de Laguiole workshop to learn about the craftsmanship behind these renowned knives and explore the village's quaint streets and shops. 10. Roquefort-sur-Soulzon: About 80 kilometers away, Roquefort-sur-Soulzon is renowned for its production of the world-famous Roquefort cheese. Take a guided tour of the underground caves where the cheese is aged and learn about the traditional cheese-making process. Don't forget to taste some authentic Roquefort cheese during your visit.

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