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Contact Details:


Michel Pleynet
Les Vielles Maisons


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65




Description for B&B:

Our park features bedrooms named after different species of trees. The CATALPA bedroom provides a spacious arrangement with a large double bed and a single bed, along with a private bathroom and toilet. In the CEDRE BLEU bedroom, you will find a comfortable double bed and a private bathroom equipped with a shower and toilet. The TAMARIS bedroom offers two single beds and a private bathroom with a shower and toilet. Lastly, the LIERRE bedroom is located in a separate house and offers a generous double bed and a bathroom with a shower and toilet. If needed, we can provide a crib upon request. Additionally, we have a barbecue, fridge, and microwave available near the swimming pool for your convenience.


Appréciations pour Les Vielles Maisons, Vaas:

séjour aux vieilles maisons
Review by: heiser jean-claude , Juil 19 2011 7:48PM
super séjour dans le pavillon, propriétaires très sympatiques ,et serviables ,dommage que le temps n'était pas de la partie de (peche) .;...

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To access the destination, if you are coming from the A28 highway, take the Chateau-du-Loir exit and follow the signs towards Vaas. Once in Vaas, continue towards Mayet on the D30. The entrance will be on your left, approximately 2km after leaving Vaas village.

If you are coming from La Flêche on the D305, drive towards Chateau-du-Loir. Once in Vaas, head towards Mayet on the D30. The entrance will be on your left, approximately 2km after leaving Vaas village.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 65 25 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Château du Lude: Located about 8 km from Les Vielles Maisons, Château du Lude is a stunning Renaissance castle surrounded by beautiful gardens and a moat. Visitors can explore the furnished rooms, admire the impressive architecture, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.
  • Zoo de la Flèche: Situated approximately 21 km away, the Zoo de la Flèche is a popular family-friendly attraction. It houses a wide variety of animals, including lions, tigers, giraffes, and monkeys. The zoo also offers activities like feeding sessions, boat rides, and a thrilling bird show.
  • Château de Villandry: Located around 50 km from Les Vielles Maisons, the Château de Villandry is renowned for its remarkable Renaissance gardens. Visitors can wander through the meticulously landscaped terraces, ornamental flower beds, and intricate maze. The castle itself offers insights into its rich history and features beautifully decorated rooms.
  • Cathédrale Saint-Julien du Mans: Situated in Le Mans, approximately 40 km away, the Cathédrale Saint-Julien is a magnificent Gothic cathedral. Its stunning architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and impressive organ make it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Musée des 24 Heures du Mans: Located in Le Mans, around 40 km from Les Vielles Maisons, this museum is dedicated to the famous 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance race. It showcases a vast collection of racing cars, memorabilia, and interactive exhibits that provide an immersive experience for motorsport fans.
  • Château d'Azay-le-Rideau: Situated approximately 80 km away, the Château d'Azay-le-Rideau is a jewel of the French Renaissance. Surrounded by a picturesque moat, this castle offers breathtaking views and features elegant architecture and beautifully furnished rooms. Visitors can explore the castle's history through informative displays and audio guides.
  • Futuroscope: Located about 150 km from Les Vielles Maisons, Futuroscope is a unique theme park that combines technology, multimedia, and entertainment. It offers a range of immersive experiences, including 3D and 4D shows, virtual reality attractions, and thrilling rides.
  • Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud: Situated approximately 100 km away, the Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud is one of the largest and most well-preserved medieval abbeys in Europe. Visitors can explore the abbey's stunning architecture, visit the tombs of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Richard the Lionheart, and enjoy the serene atmosphere of the surrounding village. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural wonders and family-friendly entertainment.

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