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Nicolas Sire
Abbaye de Vauluisant


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Price per night:

price from €121





Description for B&B:

Experience a tranquil and serene retreat in the exquisite abbey palace, nestled within a picturesque 7-hectare English park. Immerse yourself in the rich history of the twelfth-century Cistercian abbey as you indulge in the luxurious comforts of our two opulent suites and charming cottage. Discover a haven of tranquility, where serenity and relaxation are guaranteed.


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Prices in €
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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 121 193
Notes: for 6 people


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  • Musée Colette: Situated in Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, around 25 kilometers from Courgenay, Musée Colette is a museum dedicated to the renowned French author Colette. The museum showcases her life, works, and personal belongings, providing an insightful look into the world of this influential writer.
  • Chantier Médiéval de Guédelon: Located in Treigny, roughly 32 kilometers from Courgenay, the Chantier Médiéval de Guédelon is a unique medieval construction site. Here, skilled craftsmen are building an authentic medieval castle using only traditional techniques and materials. Visitors can witness the construction process and participate in workshops.
  • Château de Ratilly: Situated in Treigny, about 35 kilometers from Courgenay, the Château de Ratilly is a medieval fortress turned art center. It houses an art gallery, workshops, and hosts exhibitions and concerts. The castle's architecture, stunning views, and artistic atmosphere make it a must-visit attraction.
  • Musée Colette à Saint-Sauveur: Located in Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, approximately 25 kilometers from Courgenay, Musée Colette à Saint-Sauveur is another museum dedicated to the life and works of Colette. It offers a more intimate experience, displaying personal items, manuscripts, and photographs that provide insight into the author's private life.
  • Lac du Bourdon: Situated in Saint-Fargeau, approximately 11 kilometers from Courgenay, Lac du Bourdon is a picturesque lake surrounded by lush greenery. It offers various water activities such as swimming, fishing, and boating. The tranquil atmosphere and natural beauty make it a perfect spot for a relaxing day.
  • Château de Druyes-les-Belles-Fontaines: Located in Druyes-les-Belles-Fontaines, around 27 kilometers from Courgenay, the Château de Druyes-les-Belles-Fontaines is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky outcrop. It offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its towers, dungeons, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Musée de l'Aventure du Son: Situated in Saint-Fargeau, approximately 10 kilometers from Courgenay, the Musée de l'Aventure du Son is a unique museum dedicated to sound and music. It showcases antique instruments, audio equipment, and offers interactive exhibits where visitors can experiment with different sounds. These attractions near Abbaye de Vauluisant offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring medieval castles to immersing oneself in the world of literature and art.