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Les Benoits
Saint Rirand


1 reviews

Price per week:

price from €190





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Description for Gite

Located in the charming village of Saint Rirand, just 20 kilometers from Roanne and 45 kilometers from Vichy, you will find the delightful Benoit's cottage. Nestled in the scenic Department of the Loire, this cozy retreat is perfectly situated next to the "spot" river, which flows down the village and feeds the nearby dam.

Surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty, the area offers a plethora of outdoor activities to enjoy. Embark on picturesque walks, explore cross country skiing trails, or hit the slopes for some downhill skiing. For those seeking a unique experience, try your hand at summer skiing or spend a thrilling day at the tree climbing adventure park. Mountain biking enthusiasts will find plenty of trails to conquer, while horseback riding and fishing are also popular pastimes in the area.

The cottage itself can comfortably accommodate up to 5 people and holds the prestigious Clévacances 2 keys label, ensuring a high standard of quality and comfort.


Appréciations pour Gite des Benoits, Saint Rirand:

Super gîte
Review by: Emilie , Sep 2 2018 8:17AM
Nous avons passé une semaine dans ce gîte tout y est jusqu au jeux d enfants.
Gîte propre, accueil super chaleureux
Beaux paysages, petits villages authentiques convient pour une bonne semaine de repos et de calme

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 30 50 190 240




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  • Villerest Lake: Located near Roanne, this picturesque lake offers opportunities for water sports, fishing, and leisurely walks along its shores. Visitors can also enjoy picnicking or sunbathing in designated areas while taking in the surrounding natural beauty.
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