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Marc Miquel-boulié
9 Av Jacques Santucci
La Bouilladisse


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price from €440






Description for B&B:

Description for Gite

Located in the enchanting region of Provence, Of Sweat to Happiness presents a serene and cozy room perfect for those seeking happiness and romance. Nestled amidst the breathtaking beauty of the sea and mountains, this accommodation provides a peaceful retreat. The bed within the room measures 140 * 190, ensuring a restful and comfortable sleep.


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(2 pers.)


Swimming Pool


  • Aix-en-Provence (16 km): A charming and historic city known for its beautiful architecture, elegant boulevards, and vibrant café culture. Visit the famous Cours Mirabeau, explore the old town's narrow streets, and admire the stunning fountains and museums.
  • Marseille (25 km): The second-largest city in France and a melting pot of cultures. Explore the picturesque Vieux Port, visit the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica for panoramic views, and discover the historic Le Panier neighborhood.
  • Calanques National Park (30 km): A natural paradise of rugged limestone cliffs, turquoise waters, and hidden coves. Hike or take a boat tour to explore the stunning calanques, such as Calanque de Sormiou or Calanque d'En-Vau.
  • Cassis (35 km): A charming fishing village nestled between the sea and the vineyards. Stroll along the picturesque harbor, enjoy fresh seafood, and take a boat trip to discover the stunning Calanques of Cassis.
  • Gorges du Verdon (70 km): Known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe," this breathtaking natural wonder offers stunning views, hiking trails, and water activities such as kayaking or paddleboarding.
  • Avignon (80 km): Home to the famous Palais des Papes, this historic city is known for its medieval architecture and rich cultural heritage. Explore the narrow streets, visit the Pont d'Avignon, and enjoy the lively atmosphere during the Avignon Theatre Festival.
  • Saint-Tropez (100 km): A glamorous coastal town famous for its luxurious yachts, sandy beaches, and vibrant nightlife. Explore the charming Old Town, relax on Pampelonne Beach, and soak up the glamorous atmosphere.
  • Arles (105 km): A UNESCO World Heritage site, Arles is renowned for its Roman ruins, including the well-preserved amphitheater and ancient theater. Discover the works of Vincent Van Gogh, who lived and painted in the city, and explore the picturesque streets and squares.
  • Les Baux-de-Provence (110 km): A medieval village perched on a rocky outcrop, offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visit the impressive ruins of the Château des Baux, wander through the charming streets, and explore the art galleries and boutiques. 10. Pont du Gard (125 km): A remarkable Roman aqueduct bridge and UNESCO World Heritage site. Admire the impressive architecture, walk across the bridge, and enjoy the surrounding natural beauty along the Gardon River.

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