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Samuel et Typhaine Valensi
4 Allée Saint-symphorien


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price from €560



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Description for B&B:

Complimentary breakfast provided on the initial evening at no cost!

Description for Gite

Welcome aboard the Octopus barge moored on the Canal de la Moselle in Montigny-lès-Metz, a serene countryside retreat in the heart of the city. Typhaine and Samuel are delighted to be your hosts, ensuring your stay is nothing short of exceptional.

Nestled amidst picturesque chestnut trees along the tranquil towpath, our barge offers the perfect escape for a night or an extended stay. The old boatman's cabin, now transformed into a haven of peace, has been completely renovated to provide all the comforts you need to unwind.

Conveniently located just a 10-minute walk from the vibrant center of Metz, known for its beautiful gardens and rich history spanning over three millennia. Urban enthusiasts will find themselves enthralled by the renowned Pompidou Centre Metz, showcasing fascinating exhibitions, as well as the Cour d'Or Museum, Frac, and numerous independent galleries. Simply strolling or cycling through the city will lead you to admire the breathtaking facades, including the historic Metz railway station.

For those seeking relaxation, we have a private terrace with comfortable deck chairs and a barbecue area exclusively for your use. Additionally, bicycles are available on-site for leisurely rides along the canal, exploring the scenic trails leading to Nancy and Thionville via the renowned bikeway known as Charles the Bold.

We wish you a wonderful stay, filled with unforgettable experiences.


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Holiday Home 1 75 90 560 460 35 7,5




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  • Metz Cathedral: Situated in the heart of Metz, Metz Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Metz) is a magnificent Gothic structure. The cathedral's stunning stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and impressive architecture make it a must-visit attraction for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Porte des Allemands: Dating back to the 13th century, Porte des Allemands is a well-preserved medieval gate that once served as part of the city's fortifications. Visitors can explore the gate, walk along the surrounding walls, and enjoy the picturesque views of the Seille River.
  • Jardin Botanique de Metz: This beautiful botanical garden is perfect for nature lovers. It features a diverse collection of plants, including a rose garden, a rock garden, and a tropical greenhouse. Visitors can take leisurely strolls, relax on the benches, and admire the colorful blooms.
  • Musée de la Cour d'Or: Located in an ancient palace complex, Musée de la Cour d'Or is a fascinating museum that showcases Metz's history from ancient times to the present. The museum houses an impressive collection of archaeological artifacts, fine art, and historical objects, offering a comprehensive insight into the city's past.
  • Temple Neuf: Situated on an island in the Moselle River, Temple Neuf is a striking Protestant church known for its beautiful architecture and picturesque setting. Visitors can admire the neo-Romanesque style of the church and enjoy peaceful walks along the riverbanks.
  • Arènes de Metz: Originally built as a Roman amphitheater, the Arènes de Metz is now a popular venue for concerts and events. Visitors can explore the ancient ruins, learn about the history of the site, and attend various cultural performances throughout the year.
  • Parc de la Seille: A serene urban park located near the city center, Parc de la Seille offers a tranquil escape from the bustling city. It features landscaped gardens, walking paths, and a small lake where visitors can relax, have picnics, or enjoy outdoor activities. These attractions provide a range of cultural, historical, and natural experiences for visitors to enjoy near your address in Metz, France.