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Norbert Dupré
La Rochette



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price from €61






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(2 pers.)
2 61 68 20
(3 pers.)
3 81 88 20




  • Lamastre: Located just 7 km away from Chauvy, Lamastre is a charming small town known for its picturesque streets, medieval buildings, and the Tower of Albon. Visitors can explore the local market, enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, and admire the medieval architecture.
  • Train de l'Ardèche: Approximately 16 km from Chauvy, Train de l'Ardèche is a scenic railway journey that takes you through breathtaking landscapes of the Ardèche region. The vintage steam train provides a unique experience as it passes through tunnels, over viaducts, and along the beautiful Doux Valley.
  • Château de Crussol: Situated about 40 km away from Chauvy, the Château de Crussol is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Rhône Valley. Visitors can explore the ruins, walk along the ramparts, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Located around 60 km from Chauvy, this extraordinary structure is a masterpiece of outsider art. Built by a postman over a period of 33 years, the Palais Idéal is a unique combination of various architectural styles and is adorned with intricate sculptures.
  • Valence: Situated approximately 60 km away, Valence is a vibrant city known for its rich history and cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the charming old town, visit the stunning Saint-Apollinaire Cathedral, stroll along the banks of the Rhône River, and enjoy the city's lively atmosphere.
  • Vercors Regional Natural Park: About 70 km from Chauvy, the Vercors Regional Natural Park offers breathtaking natural beauty and outdoor activities. Visitors can hike through lush forests, admire stunning limestone cliffs, explore caves, and enjoy various outdoor sports such as rock climbing and mountain biking.
  • Montélimar: Located around 75 km away, Montélimar is famous for its production of nougat, a traditional French sweet. Visitors can visit nougat factories, sample different varieties, and explore the charming old town with its narrow streets, historical buildings, and the impressive Château des Adhémar.
  • Pont d'Arc: Situated approximately 80 km from Chauvy, the Pont d'Arc is a natural limestone arch that spans the Ardèche River. This iconic landmark offers stunning views and is a popular spot for swimming, canoeing, and picnicking.
  • Avignon: Located about 100 km away, Avignon is a historic city renowned for its well-preserved medieval architecture and the impressive Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes). Visitors can explore the city's narrow streets, visit the famous Pont d'Avignon, and experience the vibrant atmosphere of the annual Avignon Festival. 10. Gorges de l'Ardèche: Situated approximately 110 km from Chauvy, the Gorges de l'Ardèche is a natural wonder known for its stunning limestone cliffs and crystal-clear waters. Visitors can enjoy canoeing or kayaking along the river, hike along the scenic trails, and take in the breathtaking views of the gorge. Please note that distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the specific location within Chauvy.

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