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Crete Bernadette
"la bonde"


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price from €55




Description for B&B:

Situated amidst the picturesque landscapes of the Tarn department, halfway between Toulouse and Albi, lie the captivating fortified "Bastide" towns, adorned with ancient stone structures steeped in rich history. Whether you prefer a leisurely or swift pace, embark on an enchanting journey through time as you explore remarkable museums, awe-inspiring monuments, and exquisite treasures from the Renaissance era. Delight in the sight of charming dovecotes and be captivated by the allure of meticulously crafted gardens, ensuring an unforgettable visit that will linger in your memories.


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Notes: 9am et 10:30am


Disabled Access


  • Château de Bonaguil: Located in Fumel, approximately 40 kilometers from Loupiac, Château de Bonaguil is a magnificent medieval castle that is considered one of the most impressive fortresses in France. It offers visitors a chance to explore its well-preserved architecture and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Château de Biron: Situated in the town of Biron, about 50 kilometers from Loupiac, Château de Biron is another stunning medieval castle that attracts tourists with its grandeur and charm. The castle features a mix of architectural styles from different periods, providing a captivating journey through history.
  • Grottes de Lacave: Located in Lacave, approximately 80 kilometers from Loupiac, the Grottes de Lacave are a series of stunning underground caves that boast impressive rock formations and underground rivers. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the beautiful stalactite and stalagmite formations within the caves.
  • Cahors Cathedral: Situated in the city of Cahors, about 20 kilometers from Loupiac, Cahors Cathedral is a magnificent example of Gothic architecture. The cathedral, dedicated to Saint Stephen, features intricate stained glass windows and a majestic interior that is worth exploring.
  • Pont Valentré: Also situated in Cahors, Pont Valentré is a stunning medieval fortified bridge that spans the Lot River. This UNESCO World Heritage site offers picturesque views and a chance to learn about the bridge's interesting history through guided tours.
  • Château de Cénevières: Located in Cénevières, approximately 60 kilometers from Loupiac, Château de Cénevières is a beautiful Renaissance castle perched on a cliff overlooking the Lot River. Visitors can explore the castle's elegant rooms, admire the panoramic views, and learn about its rich history.
  • Musée Champollion: Situated in Figeac, about 70 kilometers from Loupiac, Musée Champollion is a museum dedicated to the life and work of Jean-François Champollion, the decipherer of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. The museum houses a collection of Egyptian artifacts and provides insights into Champollion's groundbreaking contributions to Egyptology.
  • Rocamadour: Located approximately 90 kilometers from Loupiac, Rocamadour is a stunning medieval village built into the cliffs of the Alzou Canyon. It is a popular pilgrimage site and attracts visitors with its impressive architecture, including the Notre-Dame Chapel and the Château de Rocamadour. These tourist attractions near Loupiac offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural wonders, providing visitors with a diverse range of experiences in the beautiful region of France.

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