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Herve de Mezerac
Chateau de Canon


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price from €120






Description for B&B:

Experience the ultimate love nest by staying in our captivating tree-top cabins! These unique cabins are seamlessly connected to the towering trees, providing an enchanting and romantic getaway. The highest cabin reaches an impressive height of 22 meters, offering breathtaking views and an unforgettable experience.


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Situated amidst the picturesque landscapes of Normandy, between the enchanting cities of Caen, Deauville, and Lisieux, you will find this hidden gem nestled on the farm of the Canon Castle.



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(2 pers.)
3 120 180 30 oui


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  • Château de Vendeuvre: Located approximately 16 kilometers from Château de Canon, Château de Vendeuvre is a stunning Renaissance castle known for its beautiful gardens and unique collection of miniature furniture. Visitors can explore the castle's opulent interiors and admire the meticulously manicured gardens.
  • Basilique Sainte-Thérèse de Lisieux: Situated around 14 kilometers away, the Basilique Sainte-Thérèse de Lisieux is a major pilgrimage site and one of the largest religious buildings in France. It is dedicated to Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, a famous Catholic saint. The basilica's architecture is awe-inspiring, and it houses various artifacts related to the life of Saint Thérèse.
  • Château de Crèvecoeur-en-Auge: Roughly 9 kilometers from Château de Canon, Château de Crèvecoeur-en-Auge is a medieval fortress that offers a glimpse into the region's history. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and courtyard. The castle also hosts medieval-themed events and exhibitions, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the medieval era.
  • Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Lisieux: Located about 14 kilometers away, the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Lisieux is an impressive Gothic cathedral that dates back to the 13th century. The cathedral's stunning architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and ornate interior make it a must-visit for architecture and history enthusiasts.
  • Château de Falaise: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Château de Canon, Château de Falaise is a medieval fortress steeped in history. It is famous for being the birthplace of William the Conqueror, the first Norman King of England. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, dungeons, and ramparts, while also enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Lisieux Calvados Buissonnets: Located around 14 kilometers away, the Lisieux Calvados Buissonnets is the childhood home of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. The house has been converted into a museum that showcases the life and spirituality of the saint. Visitors can explore the rooms where she lived and gain insight into her life and teachings.
  • Château de Beaumesnil: Situated roughly 35 kilometers from Château de Canon, Château de Beaumesnil is an exquisite Renaissance castle surrounded by a moat and beautifully landscaped gardens. Visitors can admire the castle's impressive architecture, explore its furnished interiors, and enjoy the serene atmosphere of the surrounding countryside.
  • Château de Creully: Located approximately 45 kilometers away, Château de Creully is a medieval fortress that played a significant role in the Battle of Normandy during World War II. The castle now serves as a museum, showcasing artifacts and exhibitions related to the battle. Visitors can also explore the castle's towers and enjoy panoramic views from its ramparts. These tourist attractions near Château de Canon offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and architectural experiences, allowing visitors to delve into the rich heritage of the Normandy region in France.

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