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Carole Leuridant
1047 La Grande Rue
Les Loges


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Price per night:

price from €603






Description for B&B:

There are four rooms available, each equipped with its own private shower room.

Description for Gite

We extend a warm invitation to you to experience the charm of this exquisite ancient "charretterie" that has been gracefully rejuvenated to offer you a delightful retreat. Whether you choose to spend a weekend or a week, immerse yourself in the tranquil countryside, just moments away from the captivating seaside.


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The village of Les Loges is conveniently located for travelers. It is 2 hours away from Paris by taking the A13 motorway and 3 hours away from Northern France (Calais-Boulogne) by taking the A29 motorway. To reach Les Loges, you can take the D940 road, which is 10 km from Fecamp and 6 km from Etretat.

If you are coming from Gerville, you can access La Grande Rue by taking the D940 road (see plan). From Etretat, take the first road on the right at the pharmacy. Le Clos des Hautes Loges is situated at number 1047, approximately 950 meters on the left.

For precise navigation, the GPS coordinates of Le Clos des Hautes Loges are Latitude: 49°69 and Longitude: 0°29'.



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extra bed
Notes: 10% from 3 nights
Notes: 10% from 3 nights
Holiday Home 1




  • Etretat Beach: Located about 10 kilometers from Les Loges, Etretat Beach is known for its stunning cliffs and picturesque views. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, and walking along the shoreline.
  • Le Havre: Situated approximately 20 kilometers away, Le Havre is a port city that offers a mix of historical and modern attractions. It is home to the stunning Le Havre Cathedral, the Museum of Modern Art André Malraux, and a vibrant downtown area.
  • Honfleur: Located around 30 kilometers from Les Loges, Honfleur is a charming coastal town with a picturesque harbor and narrow streets lined with colorful buildings. Visitors can explore art galleries, enjoy fresh seafood, and visit the Saint Catherine's Church.
  • Fécamp: Situated about 40 kilometers away, Fécamp is a historic fishing port known for its Benedictine Palace. Visitors can explore the stunning palace, visit the Fécamp Abbey, and enjoy a walk along the scenic waterfront.
  • Trouville-sur-Mer: Located approximately 60 kilometers from Les Loges, Trouville-sur-Mer is a popular seaside resort town. It offers sandy beaches, a vibrant promenade, and a variety of restaurants and shops. Visitors can also explore the historic fish market and the beautiful Villa Montebello.
  • Deauville: Situated about 65 kilometers away, Deauville is another renowned seaside resort town. It is famous for its glamorous atmosphere, luxury hotels, and casino. Deauville also hosts the annual American Film Festival and is known for its horse racing events.
  • Rouen: Located approximately 80 kilometers from Les Loges, Rouen is a historic city with a rich heritage. It is renowned for its stunning Gothic cathedral, the Gros Horloge astronomical clock, and the Joan of Arc History Museum. Visitors can wander through the medieval streets and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the city center. These are just a few of the notable tourist attractions near Les Loges. There are many more charming towns, natural landscapes, and historical sites to explore in the beautiful region of Normandy, France.

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