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Nathalie Forge
3 Impasse des Rousselins


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Price per week:

price from €400






Description for Gite

Unique lodging for 4-5 individuals:
- Restroom with a bathtub, shower, and toilet
- Fully-equipped kitchenette with dishes for 5 people
- Fridge featuring a freezer section
- 2 stove burners
- Cozy alcove with a double bed
- 2 sofa beds + 1 additional pull-out bed
- High-quality bedding
- Provided towels
- Outdoor furniture for the garden
- Comfortable chairs
- Coffee maker and electric kettle
- Efficient electric heating system


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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: 4 people (5th person with additional fees)


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


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  • Claude Monet's House and Gardens: Situated in Giverny, approximately 80 kilometers from Hauville, this is the former residence of the renowned Impressionist painter Claude Monet. Visitors can explore Monet's house, studio, and the famous water lily gardens that inspired many of his paintings.
  • Rouen Cathedral: Located in the historic city of Rouen, around 25 kilometers from Hauville, Rouen Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Its impressive facade and stunning stained glass windows make it a must-visit attraction for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Jumièges Abbey: Situated in Jumièges, approximately 40 kilometers from Hauville, Jumièges Abbey is a picturesque ruined Benedictine abbey dating back to the 7th century. Visitors can explore the remains of the abbey, which are surrounded by beautiful gardens and offer a glimpse into its rich history.
  • Honfleur: Located on the coast of Normandy, around 70 kilometers from Hauville, Honfleur is a charming harbor town known for its picturesque streets, colorful buildings, and art galleries. Visitors can stroll along the Vieux Bassin, relax at outdoor cafes, and admire the beautiful Sainte-Catherine's Church.
  • Le Bec-Hellouin: Situated approximately 25 kilometers from Hauville, Le Bec-Hellouin is a picturesque village known for its well-preserved medieval abbey. The Abbey of Bec is a significant religious and architectural site that attracts visitors seeking tranquility and a glimpse into the past.
  • Château de Champ de Bataille: Located in Le Neubourg, around 30 kilometers from Hauville, Château de Champ de Bataille is a magnificent 17th-century castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. It offers guided tours of its opulent interiors and hosts various events throughout the year.
  • Les Andelys: Situated on the banks of the Seine River, approximately 25 kilometers from Hauville, Les Andelys is a charming town known for its medieval heritage. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, visit the Church of Saint-Sauveur, and enjoy panoramic views from the Château Gaillard. These attractions near Hauville offer a variety of experiences, from exploring historical landmarks to immersing oneself in the beauty of nature and art.

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