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Contact Details:


Catherine Ruidant
Lieu Dit Manoir de Herouville


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Price per night:

price from €140


0231 105213


0672 415201


Description for B&B:

All our rooms are elegantly furnished with luxurious amenities, each featuring its own private ensuite bathroom.


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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 140
(3 pers.)
3 140
Holiday Home 1 750


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Balleroy: Located approximately 5 kilometers from Litteau, the Château de Balleroy is a magnificent 17th-century castle. Designed by François Mansart, the castle features beautiful gardens and is known for its unique circular shape.
  • Bayeux Tapestry Museum: Situated in the nearby town of Bayeux, this museum houses the famous Bayeux Tapestry. The 70-meter long tapestry depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England in 1066 and is a must-see for history enthusiasts.
  • Omaha Beach: Located about 30 kilometers from Litteau, Omaha Beach is one of the landing sites of the Allied invasion during World War II. It is now a peaceful and solemn place to visit, with memorials and cemeteries paying tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Situated approximately 100 kilometers from Litteau, Mont Saint-Michel is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of France's most iconic landmarks. This medieval abbey and village are perched on a rocky island and offer breathtaking views, narrow streets, and a rich history.
  • Memorial de Caen: Located in the city of Caen, about 40 kilometers from Litteau, the Memorial de Caen is a museum dedicated to the history of World War II. It provides a comprehensive overview of the war, including the D-Day landings, and offers thought-provoking exhibits and educational displays.
  • Juno Beach Centre: Situated approximately 50 kilometers from Litteau, the Juno Beach Centre is a museum and memorial dedicated to the Canadian soldiers who landed on Juno Beach during the D-Day invasion. It provides an insight into the Canadian contribution to the war effort and offers interactive exhibits.
  • Arromanches 360 Circular Cinema: Located around 35 kilometers from Litteau, the Arromanches 360 Circular Cinema is a unique attraction that offers a panoramic film experience. The film showcases the history of the D-Day landings and provides a captivating view of the Mulberry Harbor remains.
  • Sainte-Mère-Église: Situated about 60 kilometers from Litteau, Sainte-Mère-Église is a small town that played a significant role during the D-Day invasion. It was the first town to be liberated by American paratroopers, and visitors can explore the Airborne Museum and the famous church tower where a paratrooper famously got caught.
  • Caen Castle: Located in the heart of Caen, about 40 kilometers from Litteau, Caen Castle is a medieval fortress that offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's history. The castle houses various museums, including the Museum of Normandy and the Fine Arts Museum. 10. Utah Beach Museum: Situated approximately 85 kilometers from Litteau, the Utah Beach Museum is dedicated to the American soldiers who landed on Utah Beach during the D-Day invasion. The museum features interactive exhibits, historical artifacts, and a restored B-26 bomber. These attractions offer a mix of historical significance, natural beauty, and cultural experiences, providing visitors with a diverse range of options to explore near Litteau.