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Colette Sappey
59 Route de La Cochette, Puget
Saint Eustache


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Price per night:

price from €63


04 50 32 02 93


06 50 25 67 59

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Description for B&B:

We offer four cozy guest rooms, perfect for couples or families, situated in the serene countryside of Laudon. Our location offers breathtaking views of the lake, providing a truly picturesque stay.


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To reach Pralets from Highway A41, take the Annecy Sud exit and follow the signs towards Albertville and Sévrier.

If you are coming from Highway A40, take the Eloise exit and follow the signs towards Albertville. Continue on this road until you reach Annecy, then follow the signs towards Sévrier.

Once you have passed Sévrier, you will come across a roundabout. Take the exit that leads to St-Eustache and continue for approximately 7 kilometers.

Before reaching the village of St. Eustache, make a left turn towards Puget.

Once you have arrived at Puget, continue for another 50 meters after passing the laundry facility, and you will arrive at Pralets.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: rooms for 2 to 5 people
(3 pers.)
4 75 80 13


Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


  • Lake Annecy (Lac d'Annecy) - Located approximately 20 kilometers from Puget, Lake Annecy is one of the most stunning lakes in Europe. Visitors can enjoy various water activities such as swimming, boating, and paddleboarding, or simply relax on the lake's beaches. Surrounded by picturesque mountains and charming villages, Lake Annecy offers breathtaking views and a peaceful ambiance.
  • Château de Menthon-Saint-Bernard - Situated on a hill overlooking Lake Annecy, the Château de Menthon-Saint-Bernard is a magnificent castle that dates back to the 10th century. This well-preserved fortress offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its medieval architecture, beautiful gardens, and stunning panoramic views of the lake and surrounding mountains.
  • Gorges du Fier - Located around 30 kilometers from Puget, the Gorges du Fier is a natural attraction that offers a unique experience. Visitors can walk along a narrow footbridge suspended above the roaring Fier River, which has carved out impressive rock formations over thousands of years. The breathtaking views and the sound of rushing water make this place a must-visit for nature lovers.
  • Annecy Old Town (Vieille Ville) - Located in the heart of Annecy, the Old Town is a charming and picturesque area with narrow streets, colorful buildings, and lively markets. Visitors can explore the medieval architecture, visit the Palais de l'Isle (a former prison), and stroll along the canals that give Annecy its nickname as the "Venice of the Alps." The Old Town is also home to numerous shops, restaurants, and cafes, making it a perfect place for shopping and dining.
  • Semnoz - Situated approximately 25 kilometers from Puget, Semnoz is a mountain range offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, including Lake Annecy and the Mont Blanc massif. Visitors can enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, mountain biking, and paragliding. During winter, Semnoz transforms into a ski resort, attracting snow sports enthusiasts.
  • Palais de l'Isle - Located in Annecy's Old Town, the Palais de l'Isle is a unique historical monument that once served as a prison and a courthouse. Built on an island in the Thiou River, the Palais de l'Isle now houses a local history museum, allowing visitors to explore its fascinating past and learn about the region's rich heritage.
  • Talloires - Situated on the eastern shores of Lake Annecy, the village of Talloires is known for its natural beauty and tranquility. Visitors can enjoy the charming atmosphere, relax on the lakeside beaches, or explore the village's historic buildings and picturesque streets. Talloires is also a popular destination for water sports enthusiasts, with activities such as sailing, kayaking, and windsurfing available. These attractions offer a mix of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural experiences, providing a diverse range of options for visitors near Puget, France.

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