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Hervé Blanc Lapierre
Le Bourg


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price from €404


06 86 27 78 80


06 86 27 78 80


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Take exit #13 on Motorway A51.



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Apartment 1 140 190


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  • Lake Monteynard: Located just a short distance from Le Bourg, Lake Monteynard is a stunning reservoir surrounded by the Vercors Mountains. It offers various water activities like sailing, windsurfing, and kayaking, as well as scenic hiking trails and picnic spots.
  • Trièves Regional Natural Park: Situated southwest of Le Bourg, Trièves Regional Natural Park is a picturesque area known for its vast meadows, forests, and quaint villages. It offers great opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, mountain biking, and wildlife spotting.
  • Château de Vizille: Approximately 20 kilometers from Le Bourg, Château de Vizille is a historic castle that now serves as a museum. It houses exhibits on the French Revolution, art collections, and beautiful gardens, making it an ideal destination for history and art enthusiasts.
  • La Mure Train Museum: Located in the town of La Mure, around 15 kilometers from Le Bourg, this museum showcases the history of steam trains in the Alps. Visitors can explore the restored locomotives, learn about railway engineering, and even take a ride on a vintage steam train.
  • Route Napoléon: Passing through the nearby town of Corps, the Route Napoléon is a scenic road that follows the path taken by Napoleon Bonaparte during his return from Elba. It offers breathtaking views of the French Alps and charming villages along the way, making it a popular driving route.
  • Les Passerelles Himalayennes: Located near the town of Monteynard, these Himalayan footbridges are a unique attraction. Spanning between cliffs over the Drac and Ebron gorges, they offer thrilling walks with stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.
  • La Pierre Percée: Situated in the Vercors Regional Natural Park, La Pierre Percée is a natural rock formation that resembles a pierced stone. It is an intriguing geological site and a popular spot for hiking and climbing enthusiasts.
  • Pont-en-Royans: A charming village known for its colorful houses and hanging gardens, Pont-en-Royans is located approximately 30 kilometers north of Le Bourg. Visitors can stroll along the narrow streets, enjoy the scenic views of the Bourne River, and visit the delightful houses built on the cliffs.
  • Les Grottes de Choranche: Found in the Vercors Massif, Les Grottes de Choranche are beautiful limestone caves adorned with stunning stalactites and stalagmites. Guided tours take visitors through the underground chambers, providing an awe-inspiring experience. 10. Grenoble: Although a bit further away, Grenoble is worth mentioning as a vibrant city with a rich history and stunning surroundings. Known as the "Capital of the Alps," it offers a wide range of attractions, including historical sites, museums, parks, and a vibrant culinary scene.

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