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Vital Lambol
Les Mathieux


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Description for B&B:

We provide three cozy themed rooms with comfortable beds for two people (measuring 2 x 1 x 1.60m and 1.40m). Each room is equipped with a shower, bathroom, and independent and shared toilet facilities. Our accommodations boast a complete range of household amenities including a washing machine, dryer, and iron. Additionally, each room is furnished with modern conveniences such as television, DVD player, and internet access. Guests can also enjoy the outdoor amenities including garden furniture, sun loungers, and easy parking.


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Situated in a picturesque village in the Gers region, just a short distance away from both Toulouse and the Pyrenees mountains.



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  • Auch Cathedral: Located in the nearby town of Auch, Auch Cathedral is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. It features intricate stained glass windows and impressive stone carvings, making it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Château de Lavardens: Situated in the village of Lavardens, this medieval castle offers visitors a glimpse into the region's rich history. Explore its well-preserved interior, admire the picturesque gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • L'Isle-Jourdain: A charming town located on the banks of the River Save, L'Isle-Jourdain is known for its picturesque streets and beautiful views. Take a stroll along the riverfront, visit the historic town center, and enjoy outdoor activities like boating and fishing.
  • Abbaye de Flaran: This ancient Cistercian abbey, located near Valence-sur-Baïse, showcases stunning Romanesque and Gothic architecture. Visitors can explore the abbey's cloisters, gardens, and art exhibitions, providing a serene and cultural experience.
  • Circuit Paul Armagnac: Car racing enthusiasts will enjoy visiting Circuit Paul Armagnac in Nogaro. This renowned motorsport race track hosts various events throughout the year, including car and motorcycle races, making it an exciting destination for adrenaline junkies.
  • Larressingle: Recognized as one of the most beautiful villages in France, Larressingle is a fortified town dating back to the 13th century. Step back in time as you explore the medieval ramparts, visit the castle, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this well-preserved village.
  • Marciac: Known for its annual Jazz in Marciac festival, this small town is a haven for jazz lovers. Apart from the festival, visitors can explore the charming streets, visit the Marciac Museum, and enjoy the local gastronomy in one of the town's many restaurants.
  • Lupiac: Birthplace of the legendary musketeer d'Artagnan, Lupiac is a small village that pays homage to its famous resident. Learn about the life of this iconic figure at the d'Artagnan Museum and enjoy the rural charm of the surrounding Gascon countryside.
  • Condom: Located on the banks of the River Baïse, Condom is a historic town with a rich architectural heritage. Visit the Gothic-style Condom Cathedral, explore the picturesque streets lined with half-timbered houses, and indulge in the local Armagnac brandy. 10. Bassoues Castle: Situated in the village of Bassoues, this medieval fortress offers panoramic views of the Gascony countryside. Explore the castle's towers, walls, and underground passages, and learn about its intriguing history through interactive exhibits. Note: It is advisable to check the current opening hours and any COVID-19 restrictions before visiting these attractions.