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Contact Details:


Riet Temme-wijnker
Gouwsingel 11



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Price per night:

price from €75


+31 756873546


Description for B&B:


The first floor of the house features the following amenities:
- Three fully furnished bedrooms
- An office/room 4, located across from room 3
- A small room with an entrance through room 1, equipped with two single beds
- A toilet
- A refrigerator

Each complete room on the first floor offers the following amenities:
- Brand new beds (boxspring) and comfortable quilts
- A double bed that can be converted into two single beds
- A bathroom (3 m2) with a shower-bath, fitted washbasin, toilet, and hairdryer
- A television
- Coffee/tea service
- Wireless internet

Room 1 (14 m2) includes a small room 1A (8.5 m2), making it a suitable family room for up to four individuals. It also provides access to a balcony from the room itself.

Room 2 (11.7 m2) also features direct access to a balcony from the room.

Room 3 (11.7 m2) is a family room for four or five individuals and is connected to room 4 (14.5 m2). Room 4 includes the same beds as the other rooms, with an additional third bed available. It is equipped with fitted washbasin furniture and a private toilet located in the corridor. The corridor also provides access to the balcony.

Please note that smoking is not permitted.


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To get to A10 Amsterdam, take A8 Zaanstad and continue towards Alkmaar/Beverwijk. Once you reach the end of A8, follow the signs for Assendelft Noord. At the second roundabout, take the third turning onto Dorpsstraat. Proceed straight at the traffic lights. After that, take the second left onto Hornlaan. At the fork, turn left onto Brandakkerstraat. Then, take the first right onto Gouwsingel. The destination, number 11, will be on your right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Price per room of 2 persons, per night. Minimum stay 2 nights. For the rooms 2 and 3 a reduction of 5 euros a night.

