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Michel Biron
Domaine Du Chêne Patouillard


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Price per night:

price from €69






Description for B&B:

We offer 5 uniquely designed guest rooms located within a beautifully renovated farm, situated in the picturesque land of golden stone. Our property provides a serene and tranquil environment, allowing guests to enjoy uninterrupted views of the surrounding area. Each guest room has its own private entrance and is spread across two floors. The first floor consists of two cozy bedrooms, each equipped with a comfortable double bed. On the same floor, there are two additional bedrooms, one furnished with a double bed and a single bed, and the other perfect for families, featuring two double beds and a single bed. All rooms have their own bathroom and toilet facilities for added convenience.

Our ground floor boasts a spacious common area exclusively reserved for guests. This 56 square meter room is equipped with a microwave, refrigerator, and other amenities for your use. Additionally, a cozy den with a fireplace is available for guests to unwind and relax. Our property also offers wifi access, ensuring you stay connected during your stay. Outside, guests can enjoy our terrace and garden furniture, as well as ample parking space. To further enhance your experience, we have a swimming pool on-site for you to enjoy.

For those who prefer not to cook, we provide the option of occasional table hosting upon reservation. Our delicious meals are priced at 28 euros for adults and 13 euros for children.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, our property utilizes solar panels and wood pellet heating, making it an eco-friendly site. We even have a dedicated beekeeper actively engaged in honey production. Additionally, we have a charming cottage and a variety of farm animals on-site, creating a truly unique and memorable experience for our guests.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 69 75 22
(3 pers.)
3 88 95 22


Swimming Pool


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  • Hameau Duboeuf: Situated in Romanèche-Thorins, Hameau Duboeuf is a wine-themed amusement park and museum. It offers an interactive journey through the world of wine, showcasing the history, production, and tasting of Beaujolais wines. Visitors can enjoy vineyard train rides, wine tasting sessions, and exhibitions on viticulture.
  • Les Pierres Dorées: Les Pierres Dorées, or the Golden Stones, refers to a group of picturesque villages in the Rhône Valley known for their golden-hued limestone buildings. These charming villages, such as Oingt and Theizé, offer walking tours, historical sites, artisan shops, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Oingt Tower: The Oingt Tower, situated in the medieval village of Oingt, is a well-preserved 12th-century watchtower that offers panoramic views of the Beaujolais countryside. Visitors can climb to the top of the tower, explore the narrow streets of the village, and discover its medieval charm.
  • Bird Park Villars-les-Dombes: Located in Villars-les-Dombes, the Bird Park is one of the largest ornithological parks in Europe. It is home to over 300 species of birds from around the world, including flamingos, parrots, and birds of prey. Visitors can enjoy guided tours, bird shows, and boat rides through the park's ponds.
  • Lyon: While not in close proximity to Domaine Du Chêne Patouillard, Lyon is a vibrant city worth visiting. As the gastronomic capital of France, Lyon offers a rich culinary scene, including renowned Michelin-starred restaurants and traditional bouchons. The city also boasts impressive architectural landmarks such as the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière and the historic Old Town (Vieux Lyon).
  • Pérouges: A medieval walled town, Pérouges showcases well-preserved buildings and cobblestone streets that transport visitors back in time. Located approximately 50 kilometers from Bully, Pérouges offers guided tours, artisan shops, and delicious local specialties, including the famous Galette de Pérouges, a sweet pastry.
  • Beaujolais Wine Route: Surrounded by vineyards, Domaine Du Chêne Patouillard is ideally located for exploring the renowned Beaujolais Wine Route. The scenic route takes visitors through picturesque villages and vineyards, offering opportunities to taste the region's famous Beaujolais and Beaujolais-Villages wines at local wineries and cellars.

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