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Marielle Dolizy
4 rue de la Prévôté


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price from €400






Description for Gite

Romain is conveniently located 20km (13 miles) away from the renowned city of Reims, famous for its majestic cathedral that served as the historic coronation site for French kings. Additionally, it is situated just 50km (32 miles) from Epernay, the charming hometown of numerous prestigious Champagne vineyards. In close proximity, you will also find the Aisne Valley, which is filled with significant sites commemorating the events of the first World War.

Nature enthusiasts will be delighted by the opportunity to explore the picturesque countryside through hiking or cycling adventures. The area is dotted with rivers abundant in fish, perfect for fishing enthusiasts, as well as inviting golf courses for those seeking a friendly game.

Our tranquil lodging house can comfortably accommodate four or five adults. The spacious kitchen (measuring 20sqm) is fully equipped, allowing for the preparation of delightful meals. The large dining room provides a welcoming space for shared meals, while the cozy sitting room (measuring 30sqm) offers a comfortable area to relax and unwind. The two recently redecorated double bedrooms (each measuring 15sqm) provide a peaceful retreat. Additionally, the lodging house features two toilets and a charming bathroom.

We are pleased to offer English and German as spoken languages, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable stay for our international guests. Pets are warmly welcomed. For added convenience, we provide two bikes, golf clubs, and fishing rods that can be borrowed during your stay.

We eagerly look forward to hearing from you and accommodating your stay.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 75 75 400 400


Animals Allowed


  • Reims Cathedral: Located in Reims, just a short drive from Romain, Reims Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. It is known for its stunning stained glass windows and is the place where French kings were traditionally crowned.
  • Palais du Tau: Adjacent to Reims Cathedral, Palais du Tau is a former archbishop's palace that now serves as a museum. It houses a remarkable collection of artwork, tapestries, and artifacts related to the coronation ceremonies that took place in the cathedral.
  • Champagne Houses in Reims: Reims is home to numerous prestigious champagne houses, including Taittinger, Veuve Clicquot, and Pommery. Visitors can take guided tours of these houses to learn about the champagne-making process and enjoy tastings of their renowned sparkling wines.
  • Basilique Saint-Remi: Situated in Reims, Basilique Saint-Remi is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This Romanesque-Gothic basilica is dedicated to Saint Remi, the patron saint of the city. Inside, visitors can admire beautiful stained glass windows and the tomb of Saint Remi.
  • Musée de la Reddition: Located in Reims, this museum is housed in the building where the German surrender was signed on May 7, 1945, marking the end of World War II in Europe. The museum showcases historical artifacts and documents related to this significant event.
  • Faux de Verzy: A short distance from Romain, Faux de Verzy is a unique forest known for its twisted beech trees. These unusual and contorted shapes make for a fascinating and enchanting natural sight and provide a great opportunity for nature walks.
  • Châlons-en-Champagne: A town located near Romain, Châlons-en-Champagne offers a charming and picturesque atmosphere. Visitors can explore its historic city center, admire the beautiful Notre-Dame-en-Vaux Cathedral, and enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Marne River.
  • Lac du Der-Chantecoq: Situated about an hour's drive from Romain, Lac du Der-Chantecoq is the largest artificial lake in Europe. It offers a variety of water activities, such as boating, fishing, and bird-watching. The lake is also renowned for its migratory bird population.
  • Fort de la Pompelle: Located near Reims, Fort de la Pompelle is a historical military fort that played a significant role in World War I. Visitors can explore its underground tunnels, learn about the fort's history through exhibits, and enjoy panoramic views from its ramparts. 10. Champagne Route: The Champagne Route is a scenic driving route that winds through the picturesque vineyards and charming villages of the Champagne region. Along the way, visitors can stop at various wineries, enjoy wine tastings, and experience the beauty of the countryside. Note: Please double-check the opening hours and availability of these attractions before planning your visit, as they may be subject to change due to various factors.

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