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Jacqueline Batteux
23 Grande Rue


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

We currently offer three cottages with different themed rooms. The Moroccan room features two separate beds (90), while the African room and Regional bedroom both have one bed each (160). Each bedroom is equipped with its own bathroom and toilet. Additionally, our accommodations include a spacious dining area for breakfast and lunch, as well as a comfortable seating area. The cottages also feature a delightful enclosed courtyard and an outdoor terrace. For wine enthusiasts, we provide the opportunity to visit wineries and indulge in tastings hosted by the owner. Our establishment is proudly labeled with a 3 Key Label, ensuring a delightful holiday experience with a scrumptious breakfast each morning.


Appréciations pour Les Aubraux, Étréchy:

Review by: Patou lefevre, Nov 10 2023 4:36PM
Tres agreable sejour.chambre d'une proprete irreprochable.La proprietaire toujours aux petits soins pour ses hotes et petite attention Tres appreciee. A recommander sans probleme.
Response from property:
Tr?s gentil pour le commentaire merci beaucoup

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 70 70


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  • Reims Cathedral - Located in Reims, approximately 30 minutes from Étréchy, Reims Cathedral is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. It is renowned for its beautiful stained glass windows and is the place where French kings were traditionally crowned.
  • Champagne Taittinger - Situated in Reims, Champagne Taittinger is a prestigious champagne house that offers guided tours of its historic cellars. Visitors can learn about the champagne-making process and sample some of their exquisite creations.
  • Musée de la Reddition - Found in Reims, this museum is dedicated to the end of World War II. It is housed in the building where the German surrender was signed in 1945. The museum displays documents, photographs, and artifacts from this significant historical event.
  • Basilique Saint-Remi - Also located in Reims, the Basilique Saint-Remi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an architectural masterpiece. It houses the remains of Saint Remi, the patron saint of the city, and features stunning stained glass windows and intricate sculptures.
  • Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin - Situated in the nearby town of Reims, Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin is one of the most famous champagne houses in the world. Visitors can take tours of the cellars and learn about the history and production of this renowned champagne.
  • Les Faux de Verzy - A short drive from Étréchy, Les Faux de Verzy is a unique forest featuring twisted beech trees. These unusual shapes are the result of a genetic mutation, and the forest is a popular spot for nature lovers and photographers.
  • Château de Montmort - Located in Montmort-Lucy, around 40 minutes from Étréchy, Château de Montmort is a picturesque Renaissance castle. Visitors can explore the elegant interiors, stroll through the lovely gardens, and even partake in wine tastings.
  • Cité du Champagne - Situated in Aÿ, approximately 50 minutes from Étréchy, the Cité du Champagne is an immersive museum dedicated to the history and production of champagne. It offers interactive exhibits, guided tours, and the opportunity to taste various champagne brands.
  • Château-Thierry - Situated on the banks of the Marne River, Château-Thierry is a charming town known for its medieval castle ruins and picturesque old town. Visitors can enjoy exploring the cobblestone streets, visiting the local museums, and taking in the scenic views. 10. Parc de Champagne - Located in Châlons-en-Champagne, about an hour from Étréchy, Parc de Champagne is a beautiful park and nature reserve. It offers walking trails, picnic areas, and stunning views of the surrounding vineyards, making it a perfect spot for a relaxing day outdoors.

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