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Contact Details:


Sophie Laflaquiere
3, Rue Lassaigne
Saint Etienne


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €40





Description for B&B:

Les Loges de l'Opéra offer three guest rooms in a charming 1920 townhouse with a garden, located in the heart of Saint-Etienne. The townhouse is conveniently situated near pedestrian shopping areas and the bustling business center of the city, including the Opera Theatre, Chamber of Commerce and industries, Congress Centre, School of Mines and Commerce, University Jean Monnet, Conservatory Massenet, planetarium, and tourist attractions.

The property is easily accessible from the train station with a direct bus stop (No. 9) located near the Conservatory. Each room is accompanied by a delicious breakfast served in the dining room, and guests can enjoy free WIFI throughout their stay. These rooms have been awarded a 3 keys "business" classification by the Clévacances label and are affiliated with the Tourist Office of Saint Etienne.


Appréciations pour Les Loges de L'Opéra, Saint Etienne:

Très bonne adresse
Review by: GARNAULT , Sep 8 2016 9:23PM
Accueil chaleureux et chambre parfaite. Idéalement situé au centre de st Étienne , petit déjeuner copieux et de qualité . Je recommande!
Une bonne adresse
Review by: Laurence et Marc, Dec 14 2015 11:05PM
Très agréable séjour de par l'accueil chaleureux et l'attention des propriétaires. Calme et charme pour cette maison en centre-ville.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 40 50 10 compris


Swimming Pool


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  • Cité du Design: Cité du Design is a creative hub dedicated to design and innovation. It hosts various exhibitions, workshops, and events related to design. Visitors can explore the cutting-edge installations and learn about the role of design in shaping our everyday lives.
  • Musée de la Mine de Saint-Étienne: For a glimpse into the city's industrial history, the Musée de la Mine de Saint-Étienne is a must-visit. It offers a comprehensive insight into the coal mining industry that once thrived in the region. Visitors can explore the underground galleries, learn about the miners' lives, and understand the significance of mining in Saint Etienne.
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  • Musée d'Art et d'Archéologie de Saint-Étienne: This art and archaeology museum houses a diverse collection of artworks and artifacts. It showcases ancient and contemporary art, archaeological finds, and decorative arts. Visitors can immerse themselves in the rich cultural history of the region.
  • Le Fil: Le Fil is a popular live music venue in Saint Etienne. It hosts a wide range of concerts, performances, and cultural events throughout the year. Music enthusiasts can enjoy a vibrant nightlife scene and experience the city's dynamic cultural offerings. 10. Le Jardin des Plantes de Saint-Étienne: Nestled in the heart of the city, Le Jardin des Plantes is a charming botanical garden. It features beautifully landscaped gardens, a greenhouse, and a variety of plant species. Visitors can relax and take a leisurely stroll while enjoying the peaceful ambiance of the garden.