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Alexia Mori
108 Chemin des Caucours
Cagnes Sur Mer


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price from €1400





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Description for Gite

The use of stone, old tiles, and wood paneling, as well as the tastefully decorated Provencal-chic contemporary style furniture, create an atmosphere of tranquility and well-being in this haven. The inviting pool and outdoor spaces offer relaxation and variety. Free parking is available within the secure gated area.
Located just a short distance from the renowned village of St Paul de Vence, as well as the beaches and Nice Côte d'Azur international airport, this property allows for easy access to various strategic points of interest while still providing a peaceful countryside setting surrounded by lush greenery. Whether you are seeking a few days of tranquility for two or a week-long retreat for four, we also offer the opportunity to indulge in the flavors of our organic vegetable garden, depending on the season.


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Apartment 1 1400 1400


Swimming Pool


  • Château Grimaldi: Located in the heart of Cagnes Sur Mer, Château Grimaldi is a historic castle that now houses the Musée Renoir, showcasing the works of the famous painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Visitors can explore the castle's ancient walls, admire beautiful art, and enjoy panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Renoir Museum: Situated in the former residence of the renowned artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir, the Renoir Museum offers a unique insight into the life and works of the painter. The museum features a vast collection of paintings, sculptures, and personal belongings of Renoir, set amidst beautiful gardens that inspired many of his artworks.
  • Haut-de-Cagnes: The medieval village of Haut-de-Cagnes is perched on a hilltop overlooking Cagnes Sur Mer. With its narrow cobblestone streets, charming houses, and stunning views, this picturesque village is worth a visit. Explore the local shops, art galleries, and enjoy a meal at one of the cozy restaurants while immersing yourself in its rich history.
  • Promenade de la Plage: Located just a short distance from your address, the Promenade de la Plage is a scenic seaside promenade offering breathtaking views of the Mediterranean. Take a leisurely stroll along the palm-lined promenade, relax on the sandy beaches, or enjoy a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters.
  • Musée de l'École de Nice: Situated in the heart of Cagnes Sur Mer, the Musée de l'École de Nice showcases contemporary art from the "École de Nice" movement. This art movement emerged in the 1960s and includes works from artists like Yves Klein, Arman, and Ben. The museum's collection represents a fusion of various artistic disciplines, including painting, sculpture, and installation art.
  • Hippodrome de la Côte d'Azur: If you enjoy horse racing, the Hippodrome de la Côte d'Azur is a must-visit attraction. Located in Cagnes Sur Mer, this renowned horse racing track hosts various races throughout the year, offering an exciting and entertaining experience for both avid racegoers and casual visitors.
  • Domaine des Collettes: Once the home of Auguste Renoir, Domaine des Collettes is a beautiful olive grove and garden that showcases the artist's passion for nature. Explore the tranquil gardens, admire the ancient olive trees, and visit the Renoir family home, which has been preserved as a museum, providing a glimpse into the artist's life.
  • Les Pénitents Bleus: This charming chapel, Les Pénitents Bleus, is located in the heart of Cagnes Sur Mer's historic town center. Admire the stunning architecture and step inside to discover the intricate interior adorned with beautiful frescoes and religious artwork. These attractions near 108 Chemin des Caucours offer a diverse range of experiences, from art and history to natural beauty and cultural heritage, making Cagnes Sur Mer an ideal destination for tourists.

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