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Madeleine Cadet
42, Le Chaumet


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price from €45




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To reach your destination, follow these revised travel directions: Take the La Roche sur Foron exit from the A41. Proceed in the direction of Annecy on the D1203 road. Afterward, make a right turn onto the D27 road towards Cruseilles. Stay on this road until you reach Le Chaumet. The room you're looking for is situated behind the cafe-grocery store.



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Notes: baby child bed OK




  • Annecy: Located approximately 10 kilometers from Evires, Annecy is known as the "Venice of the Alps" due to its picturesque canals and stunning lake. Visitors can explore the charming Old Town, visit the iconic Annecy Castle, and enjoy water activities on Lake Annecy.
  • Château de Montrottier: Situated about 4 kilometers from Evires, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the region's history. Visitors can tour the well-preserved castle and admire its impressive collection of antique furniture, weapons, and artwork.
  • Gorges du Fier: Located around 15 kilometers from Evires, the Gorges du Fier is a natural marvel. Visitors can walk along a suspended footbridge through the narrow gorge, with towering cliffs on either side and the rushing Fier River below.
  • Salève Cable Car: Situated approximately 20 kilometers from Evires, the Salève Cable Car provides breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Visitors can take a ride to the top of Mont Salève, where they can enjoy hiking trails, paragliding, and even skiing during winter months.
  • Château de Thorens: Located about 8 kilometers from Evires, this 13th-century castle offers a glimpse into medieval architecture and history. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, walls, and courtyards, and enjoy beautiful views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Jardins Secrets: Situated approximately 7 kilometers from Evires, the Jardins Secrets is a hidden gem. This enchanting garden features a maze of beautiful paths, fountains, and unique sculptures, providing a peaceful and magical experience for visitors.
  • Gorges du Pont du Diable: Located around 30 kilometers from Evires, these dramatic gorges offer stunning natural beauty. Visitors can hike along the river, admire the impressive rock formations, and even take a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters.
  • Palais de l'Isle: Situated in Annecy, approximately 10 kilometers from Evires, the Palais de l'Isle is an iconic landmark. This medieval castle, set on a small island in the Thiou River, now houses a local history museum and offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's past.
  • Château de Menthon-Saint-Bernard: Located about 15 kilometers from Evires, this fairytale-like castle is perched on a hill overlooking Lake Annecy. Visitors can explore the castle's beautifully preserved rooms, stroll through the manicured gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the lake and surrounding mountains. 10. Gorges du Fier Adventure Park: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Evires, this adventure park offers thrilling activities for all ages. Visitors can enjoy high ropes courses, zip-lining, and other adrenaline-pumping adventures in the midst of nature's beauty.

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