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Contact Details:


Godwin Dumagat Yosalina-Bouman
Droogbak 15
1013 GG


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Price per night:

price from €98


+31 6 2504 5432


+31 6 2504 5432


Description for B&B:

Welcome to our esteemed guesthouse, the proud recipient of numerous prestigious awards. Nestled in the vibrant Heart of Amsterdam City Centre, our establishment serves as your very own tropical hideaway. With the Centraal Station conveniently located within a leisurely 5-minute stroll, all that this remarkable city has to offer is truly at your fingertips. Every desirable amenity and attraction is literally just around the corner, making our location the ultimate launching pad for your exploration of both the city and its surrounding wonders.


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Directions to B&B Barangay:
Please print this page and bring it with you.

1. From the airport, take the train to Centraal Station Amsterdam. Trains depart every 10 minutes and the ride is approximately 20 minutes.

2. Upon exiting the Central Station (main entrance facing the tram stops), turn right towards Ibis Hotel. It is only a 3 to 4 minute walk from here.

3. Pass the Ibis Hotel and the floating bike parking. Immediately cross the modern (steel) foot bridge and take the stairs in front of you.

4. In front of you, with the train rail tracks on your right hand side, you will see a little square and a large red-brick building with white stripes. There is a red door in the middle of the building. Droogbak is located to the left of this building.

5. Walk towards the building with the train rail tracks on your right side. Take the small street to the left of the building (not the canal). Barangây is located on the left side of this street, at number 15. Please use/push only the black bell to avoid disturbing our neighbors.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 98 248 588 1488 yes


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