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Contact Details:


Cécile Jamme
1626 Route De Taur
Villefranche D'albigeois


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €408






Description for B&B:

Welcome to our charming village, nestled on the outskirts of Taur and only a short fifteen-minute drive from the City Episcopal of Albi. This serene haven is exclusively designed for your pleasure, offering a truly intimate experience. Immerse yourself in the tranquil atmosphere as you explore the village square, complete with a bakery and local grocery store boasting delicious regional products. Upon your arrival, be greeted by the aroma of gourmet coffee, inviting you to take a well-deserved break in our cozy café.

Indulge in the enchantment of our delightful hotel, featuring three beautifully appointed rooms. Every detail has been carefully crafted to ensure a moment of pure bliss and connection. As the delicate scents waft through the kitchen window, you will know it is time for a delectable meal, enjoyed either in the courtyard or by the warmth of a crackling fire, depending on the season.

While you wait, take advantage of our complimentary bike rentals and explore the picturesque country roads. Afterwards, unwind in our indoor pool or savor the tranquility of our garden. If the weather permits, immerse yourself in a captivating book or engage in a lively family board game.

Perched above the village square, our hotel, Brin de Paille, occupies a former sheepfold. The ground floor boasts a cozy lounge area, complete with a crackling fireplace and a small library, perfect for moments of relaxation. Upstairs, three sunlit bedrooms await, seamlessly blending wood and stone to honor the origins of the building while providing modern comfort. Each room offers a unique ambiance, accompanied by a private bathroom and toilet facilities.

To start your day, enjoy a delightful breakfast served on the terrace or in the comfortable lounge, depending on your preference and the weather. At our village hotel, every detail is designed to create a cherished moment of shared joy and tranquility.


Appréciations pour La Placette Albigeoise, Villefranche D'albigeois:

Charmante étape
Review by: Laborde, Juil 26 2021 7:25PM
Petit séjour sur la route de nos vacances où l'accueil de Cécile et Jacques n'est pas minimisé. Belle fontaine sur une placette, chambres atipiques, petit coin de paradis avec sa piscine et une vue superbe.
Table d'hôte et petit déjeuner fort appréciable.
Ne pas hésiter à s'arrêter, c'est un endroit inoubliable.
Gite a recommander
Review by: AUDREY VANSEGHBROECK, Aou 2 2018 1:11PM
Après 3 nuits en famille (2 enfants en bas âge) à la placette albigeoise nous revenons enchantés et reposés de ce gite. Petit dej au top. Chambres spacieuses et confortables. Piscine parfaite. Et nos hôtes super
à recommander
Review by: Cathie Balliet, Juil 8 2015 6:54PM
acceuil familial très chaleureux, chambres très confortables et originales, extérieurs soignés avec un sens du détail et une mise en scène qui en font toute l'originalité. Table d'hôtes de très bonne qualité avec des mets locaux mis en valeur, tout comme le petit déjeuner. Adresse à conseiller, nous y reviendrons volontier.

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If you are traveling from Montpellier or Millau, take the D999 and drive through Villefranche d'Albi. When you reach the edge of the village, continue for 200 meters after passing the mechanic and then turn right onto ch. Taur. Proceed straight and you will come across a veterinary clinic. Keep going until you reach the end of the road, where you will find us on your right at number 1626.

For those coming from Toulouse, head towards Millau on the D999. Once you spot the sign indicating Villefranche d'Albi, make a left turn onto ch. Taur. Continue straight, passing by a veterinary clinic. Keep going until you reach the end of the road, where you will find us on your right at number 1626.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: room for two persons, none smoking. bed size 160x200. including breakfast 89 euros


Swimming Pool


  • Albi Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Albi, this impressive UNESCO World Heritage Site is a stunning example of Southern French Gothic architecture. The cathedral features intricate carvings, vibrant stained glass windows, and a unique brick façade.
  • Toulouse-Lautrec Museum: Situated in Albi, this museum is dedicated to the famous French post-impressionist painter, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. It houses the largest collection of his works and offers insights into his life and artistic career.
  • Cordes-sur-Ciel: Perched atop a hill, Cordes-sur-Ciel is a medieval town known for its well-preserved architecture and charming atmosphere. Visitors can wander through narrow cobbled streets, admire ancient buildings, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Penne Castle: Located in the village of Penne, this medieval fortress provides a glimpse into the region's history. The castle boasts a strategic position, offering commanding views of the Aveyron River and the countryside. Guided tours are available to explore its towers, ramparts, and underground passages.
  • Sidobre: Situated in the Tarn department, Sidobre is a natural wonderland characterized by immense granite formations. Visitors can explore unique rock formations such as the Peyro Clabado, enjoy picturesque walks, and discover charming villages scattered throughout the area.
  • Lautrec: This picturesque village is known for its connections to the medieval painter, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. Explore the narrow streets lined with half-timbered houses, visit the 14th-century windmill, and discover the local art scene.
  • Gaillac Vineyards: Just a short drive away, the Gaillac region is renowned for its vineyards and wine production. Visitors can take wine tours, sample local wines, and learn about the winemaking process while enjoying the scenic countryside.
  • Sainte-Cécile Abbey: Located in the town of Albi, this Benedictine abbey dates back to the 8th century. It offers a serene setting, beautiful gardens, and a chance to explore the abbey's rich history.
  • Cap'Découverte: Situated in Le Garric, Cap'Découverte is a recreational park built on the site of a former coal mine. It offers a wide range of activities such as zip-lining, skateboarding, swimming, and more, making it an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts. 10. Musee Raymond Lafage: Located in the town of Lisle-sur-Tarn, this museum showcases the works of local artist Raymond Lafage and other contemporary artists. It offers a diverse collection of paintings, sculptures, and ceramics in a historic setting.