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Regine Badelon
2186 Route de Bandol
Sanary Sur Mer


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Apartment 4 65 155 260 1100


Swimming Pool


  • Bandol Beach: Located near the address provided, Bandol Beach offers a picturesque sandy shoreline and clear blue waters. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, and various water sports activities in this popular tourist spot.
  • Ile de Bendor: Situated just off the coast of Bandol, Ile de Bendor is a charming island known for its colorful buildings and vibrant atmosphere. The island features art galleries, boutiques, restaurants, and beautiful gardens, making it a delightful place to explore.
  • Sanary-sur-Mer Harbor: A picturesque fishing port, Sanary-sur-Mer Harbor is known for its colorful fishing boats, lively atmosphere, and charming waterfront cafes. Visitors can take a stroll along the harbor, enjoy fresh seafood, and soak in the authentic Provençal ambiance.
  • Le Castellet: A medieval hilltop village, Le Castellet is located a short drive away from Sanary Sur Mer. This ancient village is known for its narrow cobblestone streets, quaint shops, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. It is a perfect destination for history enthusiasts and nature lovers.
  • Calanques National Park: Situated to the east of Bandol, Calanques National Park offers breathtaking landscapes characterized by rugged limestone cliffs, hidden coves, and crystal-clear waters. Visitors can hike along the park's numerous trails, enjoy panoramic views, and even go swimming or kayaking in the secluded calanques.
  • Toulon: Located approximately 13 kilometers from Sanary Sur Mer, Toulon is a vibrant city with a rich naval history. Visitors can explore the picturesque Old Town, visit the Toulon Naval Museum, or take a cable car ride to Mount Faron for stunning views of the city and the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Circuit Paul Ricard: For motorsport enthusiasts, the Circuit Paul Ricard is a must-visit attraction. Located in Le Castellet, this world-renowned racetrack hosts various motorsport events, including Formula 1 races. Visitors can take guided tours, watch races, or even experience the thrill of driving on the track themselves.
  • Cassis: Situated about 20 kilometers east of Bandol, the charming town of Cassis is famous for its picturesque harbor, colorful buildings, and stunning Calanques. Visitors can explore the town's narrow streets lined with boutiques and cafes, take a boat tour to discover the Calanques, or simply relax on the beach. These attractions offer a mix of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and historical sites, providing a wide range of options for tourists near 2186 Route de Bandol, Sanary Sur Mer, France.

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