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Virginie Antonin
Au Château


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Price per night:

price from €115




Description for B&B:

At the beautiful Château d'Auragne, there are four charming bedrooms available in the historic stables. Guests have exclusive access to a stunning pool that offers breathtaking views of the picturesque Lauragais region. Delicious meals can also be arranged upon request. Conveniently located, Toulouse and Carcassonne are just 20 and 40 minutes away respectively, while Nailloux and Auterive are a quick 5-minute drive. Venerque, Le Vernet, and Labège can be reached within 5 to 15 minutes.

Description for Gite

You have the amazing opportunity to rent the entire house, which has been awarded the prestigious "4 ears" rating by Gite de France.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 115
Holiday Home 1


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Merville: Located in Merville, just a short distance from Au Château, this stunning 18th-century castle features beautiful gardens and a lake. Visitors can explore the castle's elegant interior, learn about its history, and enjoy a peaceful stroll through the picturesque grounds.
  • Cité de l'Espace: Situated in Toulouse, approximately 30 minutes away from Au Château, Cité de l'Espace is a space-themed park that offers a range of interactive exhibits, planetarium shows, and outdoor space displays. It's an ideal attraction for both children and adults interested in astronomy and space exploration.
  • Basilique Saint-Sernin: Located in the heart of Toulouse, about 35 minutes from Au Château, Basilique Saint-Sernin is a remarkable Romanesque church and a UNESCO World Heritage site. With its impressive architecture and rich history, the basilica is a must-visit for those interested in religious landmarks.
  • Canal du Midi: A short drive from Au Château, the Canal du Midi is a historic waterway that stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can take boat trips along the canal, rent bicycles to explore the scenic paths nearby, or simply enjoy a leisurely walk while admiring the charming canal-side towns and picturesque countryside.
  • Musée des Augustins: Situated in Toulouse, around 30 minutes away from Au Château, the Musée des Augustins is an art museum housed in a former Augustinian monastery. It boasts an extensive collection of sculptures and paintings from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century, making it a must-visit for art enthusiasts.
  • Airbus Factory Tour: Located in Toulouse, approximately 40 minutes from Au Château, the Airbus Factory offers guided tours that provide a fascinating insight into the world's leading aircraft manufacturer. Visitors can witness the assembly process of Airbus planes and learn about the history and technology behind these impressive aircraft.
  • Place du Capitole: Situated in the heart of Toulouse, around 35 minutes from Au Château, Place du Capitole is a vibrant square surrounded by beautiful architecture, cafes, and shops. The grand Capitole building itself houses the city hall and an opera house, and the square often hosts lively markets, events, and performances.
  • Musée Saint-Raymond: Located in Toulouse, approximately 30 minutes away from Au Château, Musée Saint-Raymond is an archaeological museum dedicated to the history of ancient civilizations, particularly those of the Mediterranean region. The museum houses an impressive collection of artifacts, including Roman sculptures, mosaics, and archaeological remains. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical landmarks and museums to enjoying the natural beauty of the region.

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