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Jacques Raoul
Avenue de Saint-Guilhem


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Price per night:

price from €60



Description for B&B:

We offer double rooms or twin rooms with an attached bathroom equipped with a toilet.

Description for Gite

This charming accommodation offers convenient parking facilities, a refreshing swimming pool, and an inviting pub on-site. Moreover, we warmly welcome your beloved animals. In addition, we provide delectable dinner options and a billiards room for your entertainment.


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To reach the Hostellerie from Montpellier, head towards Millau and continue on to Gignac. From there, follow the road towards Aniane, and then take the direction towards Saint-Guilhem-le-désert. The Hostellerie is located just outside the city, on the right-hand side.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
10 60 68 17 non
(3 pers.)
30 60 68 17 non


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Pont du Diable: Located in the nearby village of Saint-Jean-de-Fos, Pont du Diable is a historic stone bridge that spans the Hérault River. It is known for its impressive architecture and picturesque setting, attracting visitors for sightseeing and leisurely walks along the riverbanks.
  • Grotte de Clamouse: Situated in Saint-Jean-de-Fos, the Grotte de Clamouse is a stunning limestone cave system renowned for its underground beauty. Visitors can explore its vast chambers adorned with magnificent stalactites, stalagmites, and other geological formations. Guided tours are available to discover the wonders hidden within this natural marvel.
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: Just a short walk from Avenue de Saint-Guilhem, the village of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is considered one of the most beautiful villages in France, with its medieval architecture, narrow streets, and the famous Abbey of Gellone. Visitors can wander through its charming alleys, visit the abbey, and enjoy the picturesque views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Lac du Salagou: Approximately 30 minutes away by car, Lac du Salagou is a scenic lake nestled in a volcanic landscape. The lake's vibrant red soil, surrounded by hills and cliffs, offers a unique backdrop for outdoor activities such as swimming, sailing, and hiking. Visitors can also explore the nearby villages and enjoy the tranquility of this natural setting.
  • Cirque de Navacelles: Located about an hour's drive from Aniane, the Cirque de Navacelles is a breathtaking natural amphitheater formed by the Vis River over thousands of years. The panoramic views from the rim of the cirque are awe-inspiring, and visitors can hike down to the bottom to witness the river's meandering path. This picturesque site is perfect for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Château de Montferrand: Situated in Saint-Paul-et-Valmalle, the Château de Montferrand is a well-preserved medieval fortress. This impressive castle stands atop a hill and offers panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards and countryside. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, walk along its ramparts, and learn about its rich history through guided tours.
  • Domaine de Verchant: Just a short drive from Avenue de Saint-Guilhem, Domaine de Verchant is a luxurious wine estate and spa. This elegant 14th-century castle now serves as a five-star hotel and offers wine tastings, gourmet dining, and rejuvenating spa treatments. Visitors can indulge in a day of relaxation, sample local wines, and explore the beautiful vineyards. These attractions near Avenue de Saint-Guilhem offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historic sites and natural wonders to enjoying the region's gastronomy and world-class wines.

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