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Eliane Monatte
51 Rue De Caullery


1 reviews

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price from €350



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Description for B&B:

Upon entering, the kitchen is separated from the corner office space by a half glass partition, allowing for the passage of light. The kitchen, which covers an area of 15 m², is connected to the dining area and living room, creating an inviting atmosphere. It is compact and functional, equipped with an induction hob, oven, microwave, dishwasher, fridge, and all the necessary cooking equipment to prepare delicious dishes.

The dining area is designed for four people, providing a simple and well-planned space to share meals around a round table. To keep the space warm, there are electric heaters, a wood-burning stove, and rugs available.

An industrial-style spiral staircase grants access to the bedrooms. One bedroom features a double bed, while the other has two single beds. An old painted and customized suitcase acts as a skirt for a wardrobe cabinet, and there are two separate blinds for privacy in each bedroom.

Behind a sliding door, there is a vaulted space where a generously sized cast iron bath awaits, inviting relaxation. Additionally, there is a large walk-in shower provided.

Description for Gite


Appréciations pour 51 Côté Jardin, Walincourt:

Séjour 2 et 3 septembre
Review by: Vandenbulcke-cornille, Sep 5 2022 6:21AM
Très bel endroit au calme, gîte très fonctionnel et bonne odeur de frais quand on entre, nickel, ! Petit souci avec portes d'entrée pour fermer, très dur, la poignée de porte se défait sinon, que du bonheur

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Notes: minimum booking 3 nights




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