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Charlotte Scherer
Château de la Rousselière 44320 Frossay


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Price per night:

price from €90




Description for B&B:

The bedrooms are both spacious and filled with natural sunlight, ensuring utmost comfort. Additionally, each bedroom offers a breathtaking view of the beautiful parkland.


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To get to Paimboeuf from Nantes, take the D road. Look for the exit to Frossay on your right. Once you find it, turn into the first driveway you encounter on the left-hand side. You can refer to Michelin map 316, fold E4 for more details.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 90 90 30 oui


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Parc Naturel Régional de Brière: Located just a short distance from Château de la Rousselière, this regional nature park is a paradise for nature lovers. It features vast marshlands, canals, and diverse wildlife, making it an ideal spot for birdwatching, boat tours, and walking trails.
  • Château de Châteaubriant: Situated in the town of Châteaubriant, this stunning medieval castle is a significant historical site. Visitors can explore its well-preserved towers, ramparts, and gardens, as well as enjoy panoramic views from the top of the keep.
  • Nantes: As the closest major city, Nantes offers a wide range of attractions. From the famous Les Machines de l'Île, an artistic park with mechanical creatures, to the historic Château des Ducs de Bretagne, this vibrant city has something for everyone. Don't miss a stroll along the scenic Erdre River or a visit to the unique Jardin des Plantes.
  • Pornic: A charming coastal town located about 30 kilometers west of Frossay, Pornic is renowned for its picturesque port, sandy beaches, and quaint old town. Visitors can explore the medieval castle of Pornic, enjoy fresh seafood at local restaurants, or simply relax by the sea.
  • Planète Sauvage: Situated in Port-Saint-Père, Planète Sauvage is a fantastic wildlife park that offers a safari experience. Visitors can drive through vast enclosures where they can observe various animal species, including lions, elephants, giraffes, and rhinos.
  • Guérande: Just a short drive from Frossay, Guérande is a fortified medieval town known for its salt marshes and historic ramparts. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, visit the impressive Collegiate Church of Saint-Aubin, and purchase the famous Guérande salt.
  • Le Croisic: This picturesque seaside town, located on a peninsula in the Atlantic Ocean, is known for its charming harbor, colorful houses, and beautiful coastline. Visitors can explore the historic center, visit the Océarium to discover marine life, or take a boat trip to nearby Belle-Île-en-Mer.
  • Paimboeuf: Situated at the mouth of the Loire River, Paimboeuf is a small town with a rich maritime history. Visitors can stroll along the quays, admire the 19th-century lighthouse, and learn about the town's shipbuilding past at the Musée de la Marine de Loire. These tourist attractions near Château de la Rousselière offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty and historical sites to coastal towns and wildlife parks.

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