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Dominique Soutif
82, rue de Rosemont


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Price per night:

price from €45




Description for B&B:

We also have a small kitchen near the bedrooms.

Description for Gite

We offer two charming cottages to accommodate your group size. The first cottage is designed for one or two persons, providing a cozy and intimate stay. The second cottage can comfortably accommodate three to six persons, featuring three spacious bedrooms for added convenience and relaxation.


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To get to Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, head towards Dunkerque. Once you reach the front of the RENAULT dealership, make a turn and take the RD 87. Keep following the direction towards Troisvaux for approximately 1 kilometer. You will find us on the right side.



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Notes: ask our price
Holiday Home 1 260 non


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  • Château de Barly: Located just a few kilometers from Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, Château de Barly is a stunning castle dating back to the 17th century. Visitors can explore the beautiful gardens and the impressive architecture while learning about the history of the region.
  • Musée des Augustins: Situated in the nearby town of Hesdin, Musée des Augustins is an art museum housed in a former Augustinian abbey. The museum features a collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from the Middle Ages to the 19th century.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Riquier: About 20 kilometers away from Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise lies the Abbaye de Saint-Riquier, a historic Benedictine abbey. This architectural masterpiece is known for its Romanesque and Gothic elements. Visitors can explore the abbey's church, cloister, and museum, which showcases religious artifacts.
  • Les Jardins de Séricourt: Located in Séricourt, just a short drive from Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, Les Jardins de Séricourt is a delightful botanical garden. Visitors can stroll through themed gardens, including a Japanese garden and a labyrinth, and enjoy the beautiful landscape and colorful flowers.
  • Musée de la Tapisserie et de la Dentelle de Pas-de-Calais: Situated in Calais, approximately 70 kilometers away, this museum showcases the rich textile heritage of the Pas-de-Calais region. Visitors can admire intricate lacework and tapestries while learning about the traditional techniques used in their creation.
  • Parc Ornithologique du Marquenterre: Located around 80 kilometers from Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise, this bird sanctuary in Saint-Quentin-en-Tourmont is a paradise for nature lovers. The park offers guided tours and observation points for spotting various bird species in their natural habitat, making it a perfect destination for birdwatching enthusiasts.
  • The Louvre-Lens Museum: Situated in Lens, approximately 80 kilometers away, this satellite museum of the famous Musée du Louvre in Paris offers a unique cultural experience. The museum showcases a selection of artworks from the Louvre's collection in a contemporary setting, providing visitors with an opportunity to explore art and history. These attractions near Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise offer a diverse range of cultural, historical, and natural experiences, ensuring there is something for everyone to enjoy.

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