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Contact Details:


Sophie Havet
Rue Jacques De Boyer
Saint-loup Lamairé ( Sur Thouet )


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Price per night:

price from €150






Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming Bed and Breakfast, the perfect setting for your special occasions. Whether you're planning a dream wedding, a productive seminar, or an unforgettable reception, our venue has it all.


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Situated close to the town of Airvault and Lake Cébron, amidst the Thouars Parthenay axis, this location is located 60 km south of Saumur and a 45-minute drive west of Poitiers.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 150 190
(3 pers.)
1 190 235


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Saint-Loup-Lamairé: This medieval castle is a major tourist attraction in Saint-Loup-Lamairé. Visitors can explore its well-preserved architecture, stroll through the picturesque gardens, and learn about the history of the region.
  • Église Notre-Dame de Saint-Loup-Lamairé: This beautiful church dates back to the 12th century and features stunning Romanesque architecture. Inside, visitors can admire intricate frescoes and elegant stained glass windows.
  • Parc Oriental de Maulévrier: Located about 15 kilometers from Saint-Loup-Lamairé, this Japanese-inspired garden is the largest of its kind in Europe. Visitors can enjoy peaceful walks among the perfectly manicured landscapes, traditional Japanese structures, and serene ponds.
  • Château de Saint-Mesmin: Situated in a charming village near Saint-Loup-Lamairé, the Château de Saint-Mesmin offers a glimpse into the medieval era. The castle boasts well-preserved towers, a drawbridge, and a majestic setting overlooking the Thouet River.
  • Puy du Fou: This historical theme park, located approximately 40 kilometers from Saint-Loup-Lamairé, is a must-visit attraction. Puy du Fou offers a unique experience with spectacular shows, reenactments, and immersive historical settings that take visitors on a journey through different eras.
  • Musée Bernard d'Agesci: Located in Niort, around 45 kilometers from Saint-Loup-Lamairé, this museum showcases a diverse collection of art, natural history exhibits, and archaeological artifacts. It is a great place to explore for history and culture enthusiasts.
  • Marais Poitevin: Known as "Green Venice," this vast marshland is a natural wonderland with a unique ecosystem. Visitors can take boat trips through the canals, observe abundant wildlife, and enjoy the tranquility of this extraordinary wetland.
  • Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes: A charming village near Saint-Loup-Lamairé, Saint-Jouin-de-Marnes is famous for its remarkable Romanesque church. The Church of Saint-Jouin showcases intricate sculptures and architectural details, making it an architectural gem worth exploring.
  • Château de Terre-Neuve: Situated in Fontenay-le-Comte, approximately 50 kilometers from Saint-Loup-Lamairé, this Renaissance-style castle offers guided tours of its opulent interiors and extensive gardens. The castle also hosts various cultural events and exhibitions throughout the year. 10. Abbaye Royale de Nieul-sur-l'Autise: Located about 50 kilometers from Saint-Loup-Lamairé, this former royal abbey is now a museum that showcases the history and architecture of the site. Visitors can explore the abbey's impressive ruins, including the church, cloister, and gardens.