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Edouard Garnier
38 Rue à de Montigny
Louvigné du Désert


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Price per night:

price from €30






Description for B&B:

At Les portes de Bretagne, we provide charming gites and comfortable guest rooms in a warm and tranquil countryside environment. Located in Louvigné-du-désert, our accommodation is perfectly positioned between breathtaking coastal areas, enchanting forests, and captivating historical attractions. We are confident that our offerings will cater to the preferences of all guests, promising an enjoyable stay. For further information, please visit our website.

Description for Gite

This accommodation can comfortably accommodate up to 13 individuals. Each room is equipped with a private shower, ensuring convenience and privacy. Additionally, the property offers private parking for your vehicles. The rooms are also equipped with DTT TV and wireless Internet access, allowing you to stay connected and entertained. The well-equipped kitchen is perfect for preparing meals, and there is a lovely patio with a barbecue for outdoor cooking. A washing machine is available for your laundry needs. Moreover, breakfasts can be arranged upon request for your convenience.


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Located in the center of Louvigné-du-desert, you will find 38th Ambroise de Montigny street.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 30 30 210 210 7 5
(3 pers.)
3 37 37 259 259 5
Holiday Home 1 25 175 175 1225 5




  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located about 40 kilometers southwest of Louvigné du Désert, Mont Saint-Michel is a stunning medieval abbey perched atop a rocky island. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and attracts millions of visitors each year.
  • Fougères Castle: Situated approximately 20 kilometers northeast of Louvigné du Désert, Fougères Castle is one of the largest medieval fortresses in Europe. It offers visitors the opportunity to explore its well-preserved ramparts, towers, and gardens.
  • Saint-Malo: Located about 50 kilometers northwest of Louvigné du Désert, Saint-Malo is a historic walled city known for its picturesque old town and beautiful beaches. Visitors can stroll along the city walls, visit the castle, and enjoy delicious seafood.
  • Rennes: The capital city of Brittany, Rennes, is situated around 50 kilometers southeast of Louvigné du Désert. It boasts a rich history, a charming old town, and numerous museums and art galleries. Visitors can explore the Parliament of Brittany, the Rennes Cathedral, and the Thabor Gardens.
  • Cancale: Positioned around 65 kilometers northwest of Louvigné du Désert, Cancale is a charming coastal town famous for its oysters. Visitors can enjoy fresh seafood in the town's restaurants, take a stroll along the picturesque harbor, and visit the Oyster Museum.
  • Vitré: Situated approximately 50 kilometers east of Louvigné du Désert, Vitré is a medieval town known for its well-preserved half-timbered houses and the imposing Vitré Castle. Visitors can explore the cobbled streets, visit the castle's museum, and admire the beautiful architecture.
  • Dinan: Located about 75 kilometers northeast of Louvigné du Désert, Dinan is a charming medieval town with narrow streets, timber-framed houses, and a picturesque port. Visitors can wander through the town's historic center, walk along the ramparts, and enjoy the panoramic views.
  • Dol-de-Bretagne: Positioned around 35 kilometers northwest of Louvigné du Désert, Dol-de-Bretagne is a small town with a rich architectural heritage. Highlights include the Gothic-style Dol Cathedral, the Mont Dol hill with its panoramic views, and the charming old town with its timber-framed houses. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural beauty, allowing visitors to explore the diverse offerings of the region near Louvigné du Désert.

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