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La Rouveure
Saint Barthelemy Grozon


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Price per night:

price from €57






Description for B&B:

Both cottages were once stables and have been beautifully restored in a traditional style. Each room is equipped with its own private bathroom and toilet. One of the rooms features a delightful private terrace, while the other boasts a refreshing coolness during the summer months. The owner's impeccable taste in decor ensures that you will feel right at home.

Description for Gite

Come and visit our charming cottages, where we have two options available for your stay. We offer a cozy wooden cottage that can accommodate up to 6 people, as well as a lovely stone cottage perfect for 4 guests. Both cottages come with their own private terrace, separate entrance, and spacious outdoor area. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity and make sure to check out our website for more information!


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Upon reaching Valencia, proceed towards the exit of the village of St Barthelemy Grozon (located 7 kilometers before Lamastre). Look out for a bridge, and once you pass it, make a left turn. From there, simply follow the signs.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: a room with 2 beds gds
Holiday Home 2 370 750 non


Animals Allowed


  • Ardèche Gorges: Located just a short distance from La Rouveure, the Ardèche Gorges offer breathtaking natural beauty. This river canyon is perfect for water activities like canoeing and kayaking, and also features stunning viewpoints and hiking trails.
  • Pont d'Arc: The Pont d'Arc is a natural arch bridge that spans the Ardèche River. It is a popular spot for swimming, picnicking, and sunbathing. The area surrounding the bridge is filled with lovely landscapes and offers opportunities for outdoor activities.
  • Château de Vogüé: Situated in the charming village of Vogüé, the Château de Vogüé is an impressive medieval castle. Visitors can explore the castle's architecture, visit its museum, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Vallon-Pont-d'Arc: A picturesque village located on the banks of the Ardèche River, Vallon-Pont-d'Arc is known for its charming streets, quaint shops, and lively atmosphere. It is an excellent starting point for exploring the Ardèche region.
  • Aven d'Orgnac: A natural limestone cave system, Aven d'Orgnac offers an underground adventure for visitors. The guided tours take you through stunning chambers, underground rivers, and formations that are millions of years old.
  • Mont Gerbier de Jonc: A distinctive volcanic peak, Mont Gerbier de Jonc is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts. It is the source of the Loire River and offers beautiful hiking trails, panoramic views, and an educational visitor center.
  • Cascades du Ray-Pic: These stunning waterfalls are located in the heart of the Ardèche mountains. The cascades offer a picturesque setting for hiking, picnicking, and enjoying the natural beauty of the region.
  • Jaujac: A charming village nestled in the Ardèche mountains, Jaujac is known for its volcanic landscapes and natural beauty. Visitors can explore the village's narrow streets, enjoy local cuisine, and hike to the nearby Montagne de Sara.
  • Château de Crussol: Located near Valence, the Château de Crussol is a medieval fortress perched on a hilltop. It offers panoramic views of the Rhône Valley and hosts various events, including medieval festivals and concerts. 10. Romans-sur-Isère: This historic town is famous for its shoe industry and has a rich heritage. Visitors can explore its charming old town, visit the International Shoe Museum, and enjoy the picturesque banks of the Isère River.

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