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Annick Desmercieres Didier Bournez


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

The Valley Lembron is located 30 minutes away from Sancy Super Besse, 50km from Clermont Ferrand, and 10km southwest of ISSOIRE and A75. It serves as the gateway to the Park of the Volcanoes Park and Livradois Forez. The Valley Lembron is directly accessible from the A75, at the exit 17 to St Germain Lembron, marking the beginning of the road Dauphinee Auvergne. Please note that there are only 2 rooms available during the school holidays, which come with gift boxes. These rooms cannot be combined in case of cancellation, and if the date of the trip needs to be postponed, a request must be made by the 15th.


Appréciations pour Les Etoiles, Mareugheol:

Review by: Poussemousse, Aou 26 2018 1:32AM
Nous avons passé 2 nuits aux étoiles et la (bonne)surprise fut totale.
Après un repas savoureux cuisiné à la perfection avec des produits locaux, nous avons pu profiter du calme du domaine et de la propreté irréprochable de notre chambre.
Le second jour nous n'avons pas hésité une seule seconde avant de décider de partager un nouveau dîner (toujours aussi bon et équilibré) avec les hôtes présents.
Enfin que dire de l'accueil de propriétaires ? Un couple naturel, accueillant et toujours de bons conseils distillés au détour de conversations intéressantes.
Simples,sincères et généreux nous retournerons avec plaisir partager de bons moments avec Annick et Didier !
Bonne continuation et ne changez rien.

M. & Mme Poussemousse

PS la carte bleue est acceptée contrairement aux indications fournies sur ce site...
Review by: Fabrice, Aou 9 2015 10:55AM
Très belle Maison avec des propriétaires très sympathiques et aux petits soins. Une table d'hôtes à recommander.

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To reach Longchamp, take the A75 exit at junction 17 St Germain and enter Lembron. From there, head towards Boudes Antoingt and continue towards Antoingt Mareugheol. Once you reach Mareugheol (ed. Antoingt) and spot the cemetery, take the paved road that leads directly to Longchamp.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 65 25 oui
(3 pers.)
3 90 90 25 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Murol: Located about 13 kilometers from Longchamp, Château de Murol is a medieval fortress perched on top of a volcanic hill. Visitors can explore the well-preserved castle, enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, and attend various cultural events held here.
  • Vulcania: Situated approximately 22 kilometers away, Vulcania is a popular theme park dedicated to volcanoes and Earth sciences. It offers interactive exhibits, 3D movies, and thrilling rides that provide insights into the region's volcanic activity and geological history.
  • Lac Chambon: Just a short drive of around 9 kilometers from Longchamp, Lac Chambon is a picturesque lake nestled amidst the Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Nature Park. With its crystal-clear waters, sandy beach, and scenic surroundings, it is an ideal spot for swimming, boating, picnicking, and enjoying outdoor activities.
  • Eglise Saint-Nectaire: Located in the nearby town of Saint-Nectaire, approximately 20 kilometers away, Eglise Saint-Nectaire is a Romanesque church renowned for its exceptional architecture and intricate artwork. Visitors can admire the stunning frescoes, beautiful stained glass windows, and intricate sculptures.
  • Puy de Dôme: Situated around 40 kilometers from Longchamp, Puy de Dôme is the highest volcano in the region and offers breathtaking panoramic views from its summit. Visitors can hike, take a scenic train ride, or even paraglide to enjoy the stunning vistas of the surrounding volcanic landscape.
  • Les Grottes de Jonas: Located in the village of Saint-Pierre-Colamine, approximately 10 kilometers away, Les Grottes de Jonas are ancient lava tube caves formed by volcanic activity. Visitors can explore the fascinating underground tunnels and learn about the geological processes that shaped them.
  • Le Puy-en-Velay: Situated approximately 50 kilometers from Longchamp, Le Puy-en-Velay is a historic town famous for its UNESCO-listed Cathedral and unique rock formations known as "Les Rochers." Visitors can climb the 134-step staircase to reach the Cathedral and enjoy panoramic views of the town and surrounding volcanic landscape. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring medieval castles and volcanic landscapes to enjoying outdoor activities and discovering the region's rich history and culture.

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