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Oustaou de Josephine
Penens Haut
St Frezal de Ventalon



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Price per night:

price from €84






Description for B&B:

Oustaou offers 2 unique and spacious rooms, each capable of accommodating up to four people, providing a total capacity of 12 guests. Each room features a private bathroom and toilet, along with breathtaking views of the Southern Cevennes valleys. Additionally, for guests with a young child, we are pleased to offer a complimentary baby bed.


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To reach Ales from Nimes (Gard), start by heading towards Ales, which is approximately 40 km away. Once in Ales, follow the signs for Mende Clermont-ferrand to join Main road 106. Along RN106, you will pass by The Rooms of the Roach (54 km), Sainte-Cécile-dAndorge (59 km), and Collet-de-Dèze (69 km). When you reach the exit of Collet-de-Dèze, take the first road on your right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 84 84
(3 pers.)
3 70 128 22




  • Gorges du Tarn: Located about 20 kilometers south of Penens Haut, the Gorges du Tarn is a breathtaking natural attraction. This deep and narrow canyon carved by the Tarn River offers stunning views, hiking trails, and opportunities for water activities such as kayaking and canoeing.
  • Mont Lozère: Situated to the northwest of Penens Haut, Mont Lozère is the highest peak in the Cévennes National Park. This mountain offers beautiful panoramic views, hiking trails for all levels, and a chance to observe unique flora and fauna. In winter, it transforms into a small ski resort.
  • Aven Armand: About 15 kilometers southwest of Penens Haut, Aven Armand is a remarkable limestone cave renowned for its stunning stalagmites and stalactites. Visitors can explore this underground wonderland through guided tours, witnessing impressive formations like the "Virgin Forest" and the "Great Organ."
  • La Garde-Guérin: Located approximately 25 kilometers northeast of Penens Haut, La Garde-Guérin is a medieval village perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Gorges du Chassezac. Its well-preserved architecture, narrow streets, and ancient fortifications make it a charming and historically significant tourist attraction.
  • Florac: Situated around 30 kilometers southeast of Penens Haut, Florac is a picturesque town nestled in the heart of the Cévennes National Park. Visitors can explore its quaint streets, visit the 17th-century Sainte Enimie Church, and enjoy the vibrant weekly market offering local produce and crafts.
  • Bison Farm at Sainte-Eulalie: Located about 40 kilometers northwest of Penens Haut, the Bison Farm is a unique attraction where visitors can observe and learn about these magnificent animals up close. Guided tours allow visitors to see the bison in their natural habitat and offer insights into their behaviors and conservation efforts.
  • Aigoual Observatory: Situated approximately 50 kilometers northeast of Penens Haut, the Aigoual Observatory sits atop Mont Aigoual, providing panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. Visitors can learn about meteorology, climate, and astronomy through interactive exhibits and enjoy the breathtaking scenery.
  • Millau Viaduct: Located around 60 kilometers southwest of Penens Haut, the Millau Viaduct is an engineering marvel and a major tourist attraction. Spanning the Tarn River Valley, this cable-stayed bridge is the tallest in the world, offering spectacular views and an opportunity to admire its architectural beauty. These attractions offer a diverse range of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and unique experiences for tourists visiting the Penens Haut area in France.