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Jean Louis et Lucette Bouteloup
12 Route des Vallées
Saint Quentin sur le Homme


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Price per night:

price from €65




Description for B&B:

We have two rooms available, accommodating 1 to 4 persons each (with 2 beds in each room). Each room is equipped with private showers and toilets. Additionally, we have one room that can accommodate 1 to 2 persons (with 1 bed). This room also includes private showers and toilets.


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If you are coming from Avranches, head towards Patton St Quentin on the roundabout. When you reach the village, turn left towards St Loup. Keep going straight for 500 meters and you will find the rooms on your right.

If you are coming from Rennes, take the N175 and take the Cromel / St Quentin on the man exit. Follow the direction of the town for 3 kilometers. Once you reach the village, turn left before the bar-restaurant. After 300 meters, turn right towards St Wolf. Continue straight for 500 meters and then make a right turn.

If you are coming from Caen, take the N175 and take the Cromel / St Quentin on the man exit. Follow the direction of the town for 3 kilometers. Once you reach the village, turn left before the bar-restaurant. After 300 meters, turn right towards St Wolf. Continue straight for 500 meters and then make a right turn.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 65 10 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located approximately 30 kilometers south of Saint Quentin sur le Homme, Mont Saint-Michel is a stunning medieval abbey perched on a rocky island. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and attracts millions of visitors each year.
  • Saint-Malo: Situated about 70 kilometers north of Saint Quentin sur le Homme, Saint-Malo is a fortified coastal city known for its historic ramparts, beautiful beaches, and bustling port. Explore the narrow streets of the old town, visit the Saint-Malo Cathedral, or take a boat trip to the nearby Channel Islands.
  • Bayeux Tapestry: Found around 100 kilometers southwest of Saint Quentin sur le Homme in the town of Bayeux, the Bayeux Tapestry is an impressive 70-meter-long embroidered cloth that depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England in 1066. It is a fascinating historical artifact and can be viewed at the Bayeux Museum.
  • D-Day Beaches: Roughly 110 kilometers west of Saint Quentin sur le Homme, the D-Day Beaches are a series of significant World War II landing sites, including Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, and Juno Beach. Explore the museums, memorials, and cemeteries that pay tribute to the Allied forces who took part in the Normandy landings.
  • Caen Memorial: Located approximately 120 kilometers west of Saint Quentin sur le Homme, the Caen Memorial is a renowned museum dedicated to the history of World War II and its aftermath. It provides comprehensive exhibits, films, and interactive displays that offer insight into the war's impact on France and the world.
  • Granville: Situated around 70 kilometers northwest of Saint Quentin sur le Homme, Granville is a charming coastal town known for its picturesque old town, sandy beaches, and lively harbor. Visit the Christian Dior Museum, explore the medieval walls, and enjoy fresh seafood at the local restaurants.
  • Avranches: Found about 25 kilometers northeast of Saint Quentin sur le Homme, Avranches offers panoramic views of Mont Saint-Michel from its historic ramparts. Explore the Jardin des Plantes, visit the Scriptorial Museum to discover the history of books, or stroll through the town's charming streets.
  • Villedieu-les-Poêles: Located approximately 40 kilometers southeast of Saint Quentin sur le Homme, Villedieu-les-Poêles is a picturesque town famous for its traditional copper workshops. Discover the art of copperware making at the Atelier du Cuivre and visit the Bell Foundry Museum to witness the craft of bell-making. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the rich heritage of the region surrounding Saint Quentin sur le Homme.

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