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Gwen Moullec
13 Chemin de La Garnison


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Price per night:

price from €90




Description for B&B:

Located in the peaceful Nantes countryside, just five minutes away from major roads leading to Vannes, Paris, Rennes, and Bordeaux, La Garnison is the perfect stopover before reaching the beautiful west coast beaches or exploring the enchanting Loire Valley. Situated near Nantes's vibrant town center, this charming accommodation immerses you in a cultural whirlwind, while the serene Cens Valley surrounding La Garnison provides tranquil shaded paths for a relaxing stay. Offering breathtaking views of the countryside, the four delightful rooms combine sweetness and harmony, each celebrating the universe of a renowned writer. Guests can enjoy the rustic charm of old beams, unwind in the cozy living room with a crackling fire, and take in the stunning walks around the manor. The first-floor dining room is the perfect setting for delightful moments with friends or family, savoring our homemade breakfasts. Additionally, the kitchen dedicated to guests provides the convenience of preparing light meals. Offering a peaceful countryside experience while being in close proximity to Nantes city, La Garnison is a wonderful retreat.


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To reach your destination, exit the motorway at the "Orvault Bourg" exit. Proceed straight ahead until you reach the church, then continue towards "La Paquelais". After traveling approximately 2 km, make a left turn onto "Chemin de la Garnison".



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 90 140 630 665 15
(3 pers.)
2 105 110 735 770 15


Credit cards accepted


  • Château des Ducs de Bretagne: Located in Nantes, this medieval castle is a historical landmark known for its impressive architecture and exhibitions on the history of Nantes.
  • Jardin des Plantes de Nantes: A beautiful botanical garden in Nantes, the Jardin des Plantes offers a serene escape with its diverse collection of plants, flowers, and themed gardens.
  • Machines of the Isle of Nantes: An extraordinary combination of art and engineering, this unique attraction features gigantic mechanical creatures, including a moving elephant, inspired by Jules Verne's novels.
  • Musée d'arts de Nantes: Nantes' fine arts museum showcases an extensive collection of artworks from various periods, including paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts.
  • Nantes Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul de Nantes): A stunning Gothic cathedral in Nantes, it is known for its intricate architecture, magnificent stained glass windows, and rich religious history.
  • Passage Pommeraye: A charming 19th-century shopping arcade in Nantes, Passage Pommeraye is famous for its elegant architecture, upscale boutiques, and unique boutiques.
  • Parc du Grand-Blottereau: This picturesque park in Nantes offers a peaceful environment with beautiful gardens, a large greenhouse, and a variety of outdoor activities such as walking and picnicking.
  • Les Machines de l'île Workshop: Adjacent to the Machines of the Isle of Nantes, this workshop allows visitors to see the behind-the-scenes process of creating the mechanical creatures and offers interactive experiences.
  • Nantes Castle (Château de Nantes): Although mainly in ruins, the Nantes Castle offers a glimpse into the city's medieval past and provides panoramic views of Nantes from its towers. 10. Jules Verne Museum: Located in Nantes, this museum celebrates the life and works of the renowned French author, Jules Verne, with exhibitions showcasing his imagination and influence on literature and science fiction. Please note that some of these attractions may have specific opening hours or require advance booking, so it is advisable to check their respective websites for detailed information before planning your visit.